Hola amigos...
Les presento a OLIVIA, una golen retriever con la que comparto todos los días...
Olivia ama jugar con la pelota, saltar y correr tras ella la hace feliz. Yo disfruto compartir con ella porque a pesar de ser tan jueguetona, es muy educada y hace caso.
Es de las que mejor se porta, de todos los perritos que paseo (que son muchos, por cierto😂) Esto es porque los golden retriever suelen ser perros muy cariñosos y obedientes. Olivia es la perfecta definición de esto.
Además es muy bella ¿no creen? A mí me parece muy tierna y divertida.
Espero disfruten el video 😊
Hi friends...
I present to you OLIVIA, a golden retriever that I share with every day ...
Olivia loves to play with the ball, jumping and running after it makes her happy. I enjoy sharing with her because despite being so playful, she is very polite and listens.
She is one of the best behaved, of all the dogs that I walk (which are many, by the way😂) This is because golden retrievers tend to be very affectionate and obedient dogs. Olivia is the perfect definition of this.
She is also very beautiful, don't you think? It seems very cute and funny to me.
I hope you enjoy the video 😊
▶️ 3Speak
As a suggestion, it would be ideal that you also include pictures in your publication, so that the members of the community who cannot see the video, enjoy the images. Another important aspect that we value in the community is the interaction between users, keep in mind to visit other users and share through their publications.
Thank you so much for your suggestion, I will keep it in mind.