Widow - a happy little rabbit, who brightened up our sad days. [Esp-Eng]

in Hive Pets3 years ago (edited)

Tarjeta de Agradecimiento Bautizo con Flores y Borde (3).gif

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Saludos amigos de esta comunidad tan bonita En dónde tratan uno de mis temas favoritos en la vida, las mascotas y los animales.

Hace muy poco con mucha emoción decidí tener una nueva mascota, esto era algo súper grande para mí porque anteriormente les conté, si la pérdida de una mascota me afectado tanto, y me había dicho a mí misma que jamás volvería a tener una. Hace poco más de un mes, me regalaron un hermoso conejo a quién llamamos "Widow" era hembra.

Greetings friends of this beautiful community where you deal with one of my favorite topics in life, pets and animals.

Very recently with much emotion I decided to get a new pet, this was something super big for me because previously I told you, if the loss of a pet affected me so much, and I had told myself that I would never have one again. A little over a month ago, I was given a beautiful rabbit who we named "Widow", she was a female.


Cuándo nos regalaron el conejo habíamos tenido que viajar a casa, a él estado Amazonas de Venezuela debíamos arreglar algunos asuntos allá y luego teníamos planeado volver mientras estaba por allá mi familia me mandaba fotos de mi nuevo conejo, a quién sin conocer obviamente ya amaba. Hicimos muchos planes de cosas que íbamos a hacer para y con nuestro conejito.

Después de más de dos semanas finalmente llegamos a buscarla y era espectacularmente hermoso, yo amo con todo mi ser el color negro y Widow tenía este hermoso color en todo su pelaje, así que fue amor a primera vista. Cómo queríamos que se adaptará bien a nosotros decidimos ir llevándolo poco a poco a la casa en dónde nos estamos quedando, pero en las noches lo volví amos a dejar en la casa de mis padres junto con su hermanita.

When we got the rabbit we had to travel home to the Amazonas state of Venezuela to settle some business there and then we planned to return while I was there my family sent me pictures of my new rabbit, whom I obviously loved without knowing him. We made many plans of things we were going to do for and with our bunny.

After more than two weeks we finally arrived to pick her up and she was spectacularly beautiful, I love black with all my being and Widow had this beautiful color all over her fur, so it was love at first sight. As we wanted him to adapt well to us we decided to take him little by little to the house where we are staying, but in the evenings I returned him to my parents' house together with his little sister.


No queríamos que se sintiera triste o sola así que no las separamos, no la llevamos en la mañana pasamos el día con ella le dábamos de comer jugamos con ella la dejábamos libre por la casa y en pocos días se acostumbró, ya iba al baño en un solo lugar y dormía en un solo lugar, lo cual me sorprendió porque era un conejo pequeño era todavía una bebé.

La verdad es que en esos pocos días nos dio mucha alegría, con cuidado investigamos todo lo que podía comer y lo que no, y estábamos al pendiente de que tomara suficiente agua para que no llegar a deshidratarse, qué es algo como en los conejos. Entonces después de tanto tiempo estaba decidida a finalmente tener una mascota y a cuidar muy bien de ella para que nada malo le pasara antes de tiempo.

We did not want her to feel sad or alone so we did not separate them, we did not take her in the morning we spent the day with her we fed her we played with her we left her free in the house and in a few days she got used to it, she went to the bathroom in one place and slept in one place, which surprised me because she was a small rabbit she was still a baby.

The truth is that in those few days she gave us a lot of joy, we carefully investigated everything she could eat and what she could not eat, and we made sure she drank enough water so she would not get dehydrated, which is something like in rabbits. So after so much time I was determined to finally have a pet and to take good care of her so that nothing bad would happen to her before her time.


Como todos los días anteriores nos llevamos a Widow a casa para qué pasará el día con nosotros, pero ese día no era realmente ella estaba algo débil y sólo quería acostarse, Así que pasé toda la mañana y tarde intentando animarla de algún modo pero no lo logré, asi que simplemente me senté al lado de ella acariciandole la cabecita y a darle cariño.

Estaba súper preocupada y triste porque no sabía que le pasaba, busqué por internet varios veterinarios cercanos, y ninguno de ellos atendía conejos así que no tenía muchas opciones de que hacer, me esforcé por darle agua e intenté que comiera, pensé que tal vez estaría triste por estar lejos de su hermanita, así que la lleve con ella y apenas estuvieron junta se acostaron acurrucaditas una con la otra, y la verdad pensé que eso ayudaría así que me fui tranquila a dormir.

As every day before we took Widow home to spend the day with us, but that day she was not really weak and just wanted to lie down, so I spent all morning and afternoon trying to cheer her up somehow but I did not succeed, so I just sat next to her caressing her head and giving her some love.

I was super worried and sad because I didn't know what was wrong with her, I searched the internet for several vets nearby, and none of them took care of rabbits so I didn't have many options of what to do, I tried to give her water and tried to get her to eat, I thought maybe she would be sad to be away from her little sister, so I took her with her and as soon as they were together they lay down cuddling with each other, and I thought that would help so I went to sleep peacefully.


El día siguiente seguía débil y no quería comer me puse en el lugar donde normalmente solia correr y brincar y jugar pero se quedó tranquila en un solo sitio, en ese momento noté que estaba pasando algo malo, Así que decidí llevarle un lugar tranquilo donde pudiera descansar, qué es lo que uno hace cuando se siente mal le di un poco de agua y luego ella se recostó.

Su hermanita sintió todo lo que estaba pasando porque aunque estaba comiendo jugando y brincando como solían hacerlo las dos, se detuvo rápidamente sigo corriendo Dónde estaba ella y se acostó a su lado, quizá ninguno me creerá pero parecía que la estuviera abrazando cómo Si supieran que se tardará de una despedida.

The next day she was still weak and didn't want to eat I put her in the place where she normally used to run and jump and play but she stayed quiet in one place, at that moment I noticed that something bad was happening, so I decided to take her to a quiet place where she could rest, what do you do when you feel bad I gave her some water and then she laid down.

Her little sister felt everything that was happening because even though she was eating playing and jumping like the two of them used to do, she stopped quickly and kept running to where she was and lay down next to her, maybe no one will believe me but it seemed like I was hugging her as if they knew it was going to take a goodbye.


La verdad todo pasó muy rápido Widow no aguanto ni 20 minutos murió recostada tal y como la había dejado, y estuve ahí durante todos esos minutos, cuando murió lo supe porque su hermanita se separó de ella, me sentí demasiado triste porque aunque había casado pocos días conmigo la verdad es que ya formaba parte de mi familia así como suelen hacerlo las mascotas.

Estaba haciendo mucho flanes para presentarles a Widow pronto por Esos planes fueron frustrados, pero después de varios días tristes y llorando quise venir a contarles un poco sobre ella, lo linda que fue y lo felices que nos hizo en esos pocos días, era excesivamente tierna, y sé que muchos de ustedes también lo habría pensado.

Muchas gracias por leerme amigos Aunque en esta oportunidad no se trata de un tema feliz sin embargo las mascotas siempre nos regala momentos de alegría qué no importa que pase el tiempo atesoraremos siempre en nuestro corazón, pues son seres puros que en ocasiones sacan cosas muy buenas de dentro de nosotros, por eso es inevitable no sufrir cuando los perdemos.

The truth is that everything happened very fast Widow didn't even last 20 minutes, she died lying just as I had left her, and I was there during all those minutes, when she died I knew it because her little sister was separated from her, I felt very sad because although she had married a few days with me the truth is that she was already part of my family as well as pets usually do.

I was making a lot of custard to introduce Widow to you soon for Those plans were frustrated, but after several sad and crying days I wanted to come and tell you a little about her, how cute she was and how happy she made us in those few days, she was excessively tender, and I know many of you would have thought so too.

Thank you very much for reading me friends Although this time it is not a happy topic, however pets always give us moments of joy that no matter how much time passes we will always treasure in our hearts, because they are pure beings that sometimes bring out very good things from inside us, that's why it is inevitable not to suffer when we lose them.

Encabezado de correo electrónico 600x200 px (2).gif

Decidí colocar solo fotos felices, por dos razones, primero no tomé fotos cuando se sentía mal ni estaba débil y segundo porque siempre ees mejor recordar los buenos momentos. Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi Huawei p30 lite.

I decided to post only happy pictures, for two reasons, first I didn't take pictures when I was feeling bad or weak and second because it's always better to remember the good times. All photos are my own, taken with my Huawei p30 lite.


is cuteee

Yes ♥️

Does the rabbit has its own sleeping place? what about the poo? where did it go ? 😄 I have to convince my mom so that we can finally have one.

I don't know if Widow was very well behaved or what, but they seem to be animals of habit, I got her used to go to the bathroom in one place and she did it all the time she was with me. They are too cute tell your mom she won't be able to handle such tenderness.

hola. las mascotas sin duda también dejan un vacío cuando mueren sobretodo para los amantes de la naturaleza y los animales. 😌

Si, es bastante triste. Gracias por leer mi publicación, un abrazo para ti y tu esposa ❣️

What a sweet and tender story! I wasn't expecting that turn. I'm so sorry you lost her. She looks like such a little snuggler in the pictures. Poor Widow. I am glad, though, that she passed surrounded by so much love.

Hello dear friend, it was really painful to lose her, after taking so much time building up the courage to have a pet again, animals make our lives very happy, so I will keep those moments of happiness that she gave me with her existence.