Cutie, Cute, Cute

in Hive Petslast year

Every day is a cute day.
Teaching eight hours a day is exhausting. But going home to a house with cats instantly releases tiredness.


Meet Wesley.
This guy looks exactly like my Munggi. Whenever I see him, my heart rips apart because I miss my cat who passed away last year. Seeing Wesley makes me feel like Munggi has never left.


Who would've thought cats could be this curious?
One day, we bought a mirror and placed it on the wall. When Wesley saw it, he kept lurking near it. He would stare at himself in the mirror for minutes as if he were wondering who was the guy he was seeing. He pounced at "the other cat", playing. It was the first he had seen his face and perhaps, he was fascinated by such discovery.


Aww... Isn't her eyes heart-melting? Say hi to Toothless. She looks cute with her round eyes and tongue slightly out. She only gives us this look when she's not annoyed and when we have her favorite Whiskas (cat food). She looks like this whenever she's excited and hungry. But wait until she's not in the mood.


Yep! This is the exact stare she'll give you when she's not in the mood. She looks at me this way whenever I enter the room as if I've disturbed her slumber. She looks at me this way whenever I wake her to say 'hi'. She has this "back off!" look every single day, 24/7, 4 weeks a month, and 12 months a year. Haha!


The look on Toothless' face is precious. I couldn't even guess whether she was happy or angry because of her new outfit. While we were putting the clothes on her, she wasn't moving. And when we succeeded, she froze on the floor. She looked uncomfortable, but we couldn't really tell. Perhaps she just felt something new.


:) hahaha.. yup, I got one of those at my house too..


Do black cats have the same sass? They look as if they're always pissed off. Hahaha
