The Orange Cat my pet's name is Kurama | #Eng / ID

in Hive Pets3 years ago
Hello friends #hive everyone wherever you are I hope you are always fine.


Kurama my wild cat

Greetings to all of us who have been in this beloved community, today I came here for the first time where when I visited this community a lot of friends shared their pets and I was also interested in telling stories about my pets, so on a very special day here I will show my pet that is the orange cat.

Salam untuk kita semua yang pernah berada di komunitas tercinta ini, hari ini saya pertama kali kesini dimana ketika saya mengunjungi komunitas ini banyak sekali teman-teman yang berbagi hewan peliharaannya dan saya juga tertarik untuk bercerita tentang hewan peliharaan saya, jadi di hari yang sangat spesial ini saya akan menunjukkan hewan peliharaan saya yaitu kucing oranye.


My orange cat from birth he looks very brave and I thought at that time what was appropriate to call him and for a moment crossed my mind with a very nice slightly dashing body called Kurama, to be honest I'm a fan of the Naruto anime, if If you've watched the anime, you definitely know the name Kurama, which is the name I took in the Naruto anime and I really like the characters in the anime, that's why I immediately named this cat with that name and until now I still have that name attached to it.

Kucing oranye saya sejak lahir dia terlihat sangat gagah berani dan saya pikir saat itu apa yang pantas untuk memanggilnya dan terlintas sejenak di pikiran saya dengan bentuk tubuh yang sedikit gagah yang sangat bagus bernama Kurama, jujur ​​​​saja saya penggemar anime naruto, jika kalian pernah menonton animenya pasti tahu yang namanya Kurama yang merupakan nama yang saya ambil di anime naruto dan saya sangat suka dengan karakter yang ada di anime tersebut, makanya saya langsung menamai kucing ini dengan nama itu dan sampai sekarang masih melekat nama itu padanya.




As you can see he has grown up now he is around one and a half years old and looks very brave and I am always amazed by the shape of his face even if you look at him up close he almost looks like a tiger. I am a cat lover especially with the orange color really makes me always want to pamper him when I come home from work even though when I hug him all my clothes are attached to his fur but that doesn't matter to me because being a cat lover is a normal thing.

Seperti yang Anda lihat, dia telah tumbuh dewasa sekarang dia berusia sekitar satu setengah tahun dan terlihat sangat berani dan saya selalu kagum dengan bentuk wajahnya bahkan jika Anda melihatnya dari dekat, dia hampir terlihat seperti harimau. Saya seorang pecinta kucing apalagi dengan warna orangenya benar-benar membuat saya selalu ingin memanjakannya ketika saya pulang kerja meskipun ketika saya memeluknya semua pakaian saya melekat pada bulunya tapi itu tidak masalah bagi saya karena menjadi pecinta kucing adalah hal yang biasa.



This orange cat or Kurama is actually a little wilder when he is with other people somehow he doesn't care one bit about other people only I can spoil him happily if other people spoil him he just goes and of course he behaves unpleasantly. Sometimes I really really like his abilities because when he sees his prey some distance away he is very active and he is determined if he doesn't get it he will keep trying even though there is prey he runs away somewhere even though he tries hard, but a lot of prey he tries to catch he manages to eat and I'm really amazed by his abilities.

Kucing orange atau kurama ini sebenarnya dia sedikit lebih liar saat bersama orang lain entah kenapa dia tidak peduli sedikit pun dengan orang lain hanya aku saja yang bisa memanjakannya dengan senang hati jika orang lain memanjakannya dia pergi begitu saja dan tentu saja dia bersikap tidak menyenangkan. Kadang saya benar -sangat menyukai kemampuannya karena ketika dia melihat mangsanya agak jauh dia sangat aktif dan dia bertekad jika dia tidak mendapatkannya dia akan terus mencoba meskipun ada mangsanya dia kabur entah kemana walaupun dia berusaha keras, tapi banyak mangsa yang dia coba tangkap dia berhasil makan dan aku benar-benar kagum dengan kemampuannya.



My cat is very strange even he acts a bit like a human at night he sleeps at times like humans sleep in general sometimes there is also he sleeps earlier than me, and when I wake up in the morning I always hear his voice behind the door he always wakes up earlier than me and natural because he sleeps earlier than me. and I'm grateful I get a natural alarm with his voice every morning he can always wake up and this has become his daily attitude and I'm glad he is like that.

Kucing saya sangat aneh bahkan dia bertingkah sedikit seperti manusia pada malam hari dia tidur diwaktu seperti manusia tidur pada umumnya kadang ada juga dia tidur lebih awal dari saya, dan ketika saya bangun pagi aku selalu dengar suaranya dibalik pintu dia selalu bangun lebih awal dari saya dan wajar karena dia tidur lebih awal dari saya. dan saya bersyukur saya mendapatkan alarm alami dengan suaranya setiap pagi dia selalu bisa bangun dan ini sudah menjadi sikapnya sehari-hari dan saya senang dia seperti itu.



As for me, I took this photo of the orange cat or Kurama using the camera of the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra with a bit of a sunset shadow because I took it as the sun was starting to set, and to beautify the image I'm sharing today I took a few shots from different angles and the results as you see today hope you are entertained.

Adapun saya, saya mengambil foto kucing oranye atau Kurama ini menggunakan kamera ponsel Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra dengan sedikit bayangan matahari terbenam karena saya memotretnya saat matahari mulai terbenam, dan untuk mempercantik gambar yang saya bagikan hari ini saya mengambil beberapa gambar dari beberapa sudut yang berbeda dan hasilnya seperti yang anda lihat hari ini semoga anda terhibur.


On this occasion maybe that's all I can share with all of you about my pets, and sorry if there are mistakes in my writing, stay with me if you want to see my next post until we meet at the next opportunity.

Pada kesempatan kali ini mungkin hanya itu yang bisa saya bagikan kepada kalian semua tentang hewan peliharaan saya, dan maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam penulisan saya, tetap bersama saya jika ingin melihat postingan saya selanjutnya sampai bertemu kembali di kesempatan berikutnya.

Camera UsedHandphone
ModelSamsung S20 Ultra
LocationAceh / Indonesia
Software EditingAdobe Lightroom

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @idayrus


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You have a hero and a big, beautiful cat. I love cats too.

thank you very much for the good comments you are happy to hear you like my beloved cat

yep. my cat is cute too.😍

Yaah, that sounds really good mate.

Wow, you show this cat photography so perfectly.

Thank you very much for visiting and commenting well on my post today, my friend, glad to hear you like the cat pictures that I show.

I love orange cats too! This is mine

Wow, he really looks so cute I like him.

Me gustó mucho el nombre que le diste a tu gato naranja, yo tambien soy amante del anime de naruto y amante de los gatos, actualmente tambien tengo uno llamado Apolo y son maravillosos, son animales muy muy inteligentes y majestuosos, amo como tu sus habilidades y forma de ser. Me encantó poder ver a Kurama, espero seguurlo viendo.

Yes, of course my friend sounds very fun. and your cat's name is also very cool buddy.

He is so beautiful. He is single? Meow meow


Selamat pagi :p

Sudah sore . Hehe

I come from Viet Nam xD Love to know you here. In the past, I got some online from your country, they taught me a bit of Indonesia Bahasa :p By the way, I am very impressive with your pet, His posing is extremely professional ^^

oh I see.. nice to meet you again and thank you very much for your kind words and glad to hear that you have visited our country.

Yup @idayrus ^^ I will visit your country this year or next year hehe. I will keep in touch with you just in case calling you when I come. By the way, where are you in Indonesia? the capital or island????

Hehe. I'm on the island of Sumatra in the province of Aceh

Saved :p Terima Kasih ^^