Cindirello's operation [ENG/ESP]

in Hive Pets8 days ago

What's up community? I hope you and your furry friends are doing well, I am very happy to share this moment with you, many of you have already seen my cat Cindirello here in the community, we have been through some things and, today I am pleased to announce that I was finally able to get Cindirello neutered.

¿Que tal comunidad? Espero que ustedes y sus peludos se encuentren muy bien, yo estoy muy feliz por compartirles éste momento, ya muchos han visto a mi gato Cindirello por aqui en la comunidad, hemos pasado por algunas cosas y, hoy me complace anunciar que al fin pude llevar a castrar a Cindirello.

I discovered a low cost spay/neuter day and I didn't hesitate for a second to make an appointment. Cindirello is three years old now, but due to some economic difficulties I had not been able to have him neutered, now my partner and I are working and we were able to have him neutered.

Descubrí una jornada de esterilización a bajo costo y no dudé ni por un segundo en sacar una cita, Cindirello ya tiene tres años, pero por algunas dificultades económicas no habia podido llevarlo a castrar, ahora mi pareja y yo estamos trabajando y pudimos llevarlo a castrar.

The day of the operation arrived but there was a problem, Cindirello had just got the flu about two days before the operation, we hesitated whether to take him or not, as they probably would not operate because the pets must be completely healthy, but we decided to go and see what they told us, if they could not, we could still take him to be neutered another time. They checked him and at the end they told us that they could operate, they still gave us to sign a paper giving our consent, this is normal in any surgical procedure, no matter how simple it is.

Llegó el dia de la operación pero habia un problema, a Cindirello justo le habia dado gripe unos dos días antes de la operación, dudamos en si llevarlo o no, ya que probablemente no lo operarían porque las mascotas deben estar completamente sanas, igual decidimos ir a ver que nos decían, si no se podía, igual podiamos llevarlo a castrar en otra oportunidad. Lo revisaron y al final nos dijeron que si lo podian operar, igual nos dieron a firmar un papel dando nuestro consentimiento, esto es normal en cualquier procedimiento quirúrgico, por más sencillo que sea.

There were several kittens and puppies on the day, the kittens were all in their respective crates, Cindirello was quite awake, which made me very happy because I could see that he had not got the flu too bad.

Habían varios gatitos y perritos en la jornada, los gatitos iban todos en sus respectivos huacales, Cindirello estaba bastante despierto, cosa que me alegró mucho porque se veia que no le habia dado muy fuerte la gripe.

The operations were done quickly, but we had to wait for the animals to wake up from the anaesthesia before others could operate and this took some time...

Las operaciones se hacían rápidamente, pero teniamos que esperar a que los animalitos despertaran de la anestesia para que pasaran otros a operar y ésto tardaba un poco...

The operation was a success, but as Cindirello had a retracted testicle, they had to make another incision, but everything went well, they handed him over to us and gave us the care instructions and we went home.

La operación fue todo un éxito, pero como Cindirello tenía un testículo retraído, tuvieron que hacer otra incisión, pero todo salió bien, nos lo entregaron dandonos las indicaciones de cuidado y nos devolvimos a casa.

He came out of the anaesthesia quite quickly, spent the whole day sleeping close to me and by the evening he was no longer dizzy.

Se activó bastante rápido de la anestesia, pasó todo el dia durmiendo cerca de mi y ya para la noche ya no estaba mareado.

I gave him chicken broth that day for when he wanted to eat, I still couldn't give him his kibble to eat, he ate a little and then continued sleeping. So far everything is pretty good, he hasn't had fever and his wounds look pretty good, he still cleans them with the medicine that we were recommended 3 times a day... so far today's post, I hope you liked it. I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading and I'll see you later in another post ❤️

Le di caldito de pollo ese día para cuando quiso comer, aun no le podia dar sus croquetas para que comiera, comió un poco y luego siguió durmiendo. Hasta ahora todo se encuentra bastante bien, no le ha dado fiebr y sus heridas se ven bastante bien, igual se las limpio con el medicamento que nos recomendaron 3 veces al día... hasta aqui el post de hoy, espero que les haya gustado. Yo por ahora me despido, muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️

Translated by DeepL

Traducido por DeepL


Little poor cindiriello ❤️❤️

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Que bello tu gatito Cindirello. Que bueno que tuvieron la oportunidad de esterilizarlo. A veces no es fácil por los costos pero las jornadas son una gran oportunidad.

Si y esta perfectamente y sus heridas están curando bastante bien!