Hola amigos espero que estén bien, hoy les contare de mi ultimo día que subí a la montaña ubicada cerca de mi residencia, fui con mi perro Dobby y unos amigos, el cual no e podido subir nuevamente porque tuve una caída y me lesione la pierna derecha en mi lugar de trabajo, desde entonces me impide ir a la montaña, ya hace un año de lo sucedido con ganas de subir de nuevo, la veo y la montaña me llama. Decidí publicar esto porque no tenia ni la menor idea de que esta plataforma existía en ese momento y quise compartir este viajes junto a ustedes ademas de que es lo único que me queda, el recuerdo.
Hello friends I hope you are well, today I will tell you about my last day that I climbed the mountain located near my residence, I went with my dog Dobby and some friends, which I could not climb again because I had a fall and injured my leg Right in my place of work, since then it has prevented me from going to the mountain, it has been a year since what happened wanting to go up again, I see her and the mountain calls me. I decided to publish this because I had no idea that this platform existed at that time and I wanted to share this trip with you, besides that it is the only thing I have left, the memory.
Les cuento un poco, Fue una tarde muy aburrida estaba libre del trabajo y me motive a subir con unos amigos de por acá mismo, siempre e subido porque me gusta hacer deporte y conectarme con la naturaleza, pero nunca había llevado a mi perro Dobby y me motive a subirlo para allá a ver que tal se portaba jajaja.
I'll tell you a bit, It was a very boring afternoon I was free from work and it motivated me to go up with some friends from around here, I always went upstairs because I like to play sports and connect with nature, but I had never taken my dog Dobby and It motivated me to upload it there to see how it behaved hahaha.
Me diverti 100%
Una experiencia inolvidable mis compañeros me decían, no te lo lleves no te dejara subir bien y se cansara muy rápido, jeje en realidad el me impulsaba a subir mejor y si yo paraba el me hacia bochinche para que siguiera caminando porque el quería conocer los mágicos paisajes de mi pueblo. Estaba muy cansado me lleve 4 litros de agua para el y eso se lo tomo todo, aun así cansado quería seguir inspeccionando las zonas.
I had fun 100%
An unforgettable experience my companions told me, don't take it, it won't let you climb well and it will tire very quickly, hehe actually he pushed me to climb better and if I stopped he would make me bochinche so that I could continue walking because he wanted to know the magic ones landscapes of my town. I was very tired I took 4 liters of water for him and that took it all, even so tired I wanted to continue inspecting the areas.
Ademas de que Dobby estaba feliz en la montaña me hacia reír mucho con sus ocurrencias, saltaba y me impulsaba ah seguir mas rápido cuando me quedaba atrás y si encontraba algo que le llamara la atención me lo llevaba.
In addition to the fact that Dobby was happy on the mountain he made me laugh a lot with his ideas, he jumped and pushed me to continue faster when I was left behind and if he found something that caught his attention, he would take it to me.
Los animales son unas maravillas solo hay que saber entenderlas y amarlas y entonces mostraran lo mejor de ellos. Para mi los animales casi hablan solo les falta desarrollar la lengua, me tomo esto muy enserio me encantan los animales y por eso le tengo mucho cariño ademas porque cada criatura que dios a creado tiene su sentido y finalidad.
Animals are wonders, you just have to know how to understand and love them and then they will show the best of them. For me, animals almost speak, they just need to develop their language, I take this very seriously I love animals and that is why I have a lot of affection for them, also because each creature that God has created has its meaning and purpose.
Muy contento con ese viaje, espero que se vuelva a repetir y bueno cuídense tesoros.
Gracias por todo.
Very happy with that trip, I hope it will be repeated and well take care of your treasures.
Thanks for everything.
Todo contenido plasmado en esta publicación es de mi propiedad.
All content contained in this publication is my property.