Hi #hive friends a few days ago my cat was very sick with a respiratory infection and it was a very difficult few days.
Ella empezó como si estuviera atorada yo pensé que era porque estaba comiendo muy rápido y le daba una palmada en el lomo y se calmaba.
She started as if she was stuck I thought it was because she was eating too fast and I would pat her on the back and she would calm down.
Cabe destacar que esto no lo hacía todo el tiempo, así que no entendía lo que le pasaba, así que la estuve observando hasta que lo dejo de hacer poco a poco.
It should be noted that she didn't do this all the time, so I didn't understand what was happening to her, so I kept watching her until she stopped doing it little by little.
Me puse a limpiar con cloro y una cera que huele fuerte, como el apartamento es pequeño se concentran los olores, ella siempre estuvo adentro.
I started cleaning with bleach and a wax that smells strong, as the apartment is small the smells are concentrated, she was always inside.
Al rato empezó a estornudar y no paraba, luego en la noche me puse muy nerviosa porque le costaba para respirar y tenía la nariz tapada.
After a while she started sneezing and wouldn't stop, then at night I got very nervous because it was hard for her to breathe and her nose was stuffed up.
Llamé al veterinario pero me dijo que la llevara mañana, al otro día la lleve y mi gata no paraba de estornudar, estaba respirando por la boca de manera agitada.
I called the vet but he told me to take her tomorrow, the next day I took her and my cat did not stop sneezing, she was breathing through her mouth in an agitated way.
Le mandaron a realizar exámenes y una placa de tórax, tenía una infección respiratoria, le mandaron antibiótico y antialérgico por 5 días.
They sent her for tests and a chest x-ray, she had a respiratory infection, they gave her antibiotics and an anti-allergic for 5 days.
Gracias a Dios ya mi gata está bien pero fué un susto muy grande y yo me sentía muy mal por haber echado esos olores en mi casa.
Thank God my cat is fine now but it was a big scare and I felt very bad for having brought those smells into my house.
Así que si vamos a limpiar nuestra casa, tratemos de sacar al patio a nuestros animales ya que los olores pueden ser tóxicos para ellos y les pueden irritar las vías respiratorias.
So if we are going to clean our house, let's try to take our animals out to the yard because the smells can be toxic for them and can irritate their respiratory tract.
Tenemos que cuidar a nuestros peluditos y evitar los olores fuertes porque pueden ser mortales para ellos.
We have to take care of our furry ones and avoid strong odors because they can be deadly for them.
Gracias a todos por leerme, todas las fotos son de mi autoría tomadas con mi teléfono Realme C3.
Thank you all for reading me, all photos are my own taken with my Realme C3 phone.