Over the last several months I’ve watched love develop. I’m not sure I approve of this love though because it involves my little girl Cleo and a rascal who keeps jumping the fence to pay her visits. I’ll admit he doesn’t stay long, usually just a few fleeting moments, but I hardly approve - Cleo is just too young for romantic entanglements.
It began last summer when Felix, a name I’ve given the little fellow, first popped his head over the fence. He is a black cat with very large round eyes that look constantly startled. It’s pretty funny when he comes calling because he cautiously pops his head over the fence-line, ears first, big round eyes and then the rest of his face sort pokes over and he sits there scoping out the lay of the land for a minute or so before the rest of him follows. He drops down into my yard, sits on one the benches in my fire-pit area and poses for Cleo’s advantage. He’s a pretty smooth operator.
Cleo caught a glimpse of him on the first day and raced to the window to take a closer look; the romance began from there.
Felix has come by to call on her almost every day since, except on rainy days, and they sit and making lovey-eyes at each other for a little bit before Felix heads back over the fence. It’s become somewhat of a talking point in my household, yes I talk to Cleo all the time, and when I get home each night I ask if her boyfriend came over to visit each night. Of course she doesn’t answer because she’s a cat but I fill in the blanks.
On the weekends it’s cool because I’m often with Cleo, a permanently indoor cat, and get to watch the two of them making googly-eyes at each other; it’s kind of cute.
Sometimes I see Felix drop into the yard when Cleo is asleep, she tends to do a lot of sleeping, and she misses him altogether. He comes over to the window or sliding glass door and sits waiting for her; I’ll give him points for patience. It’s on those occasions I take pity on the romantic little fellow so pick her up and take her to the window so she can see Felix although...Well, she’s a pretty good sleeper and it seems her sleepy eyes don’t see too well so she usually just cuddles back into my arms and goes back to sleep. Felix can wait on her pleasure I figure she thinks.
In truth I don’t mind the romance and I like that Cleo gets some enjoyment from seeing Felix. I know they’re probably not in love, I mean I’m not sure cats have that emotion, although it suits me to make it up and I like that Cleo enjoys his visits. He’s a handsome little bloke and seems to have good manners so as long as there’s glass between them I’m ok with it...I wonder what they’d be like if I let them in the same room sometimes though...Although knowing Cleo like I do...She’ll probably fall asleep.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
We sometimes love our pets more than people, sad but true.
True. I like my cat more then most people.
Oh, it is a horse of a different color when he catches the prize. It is funny that way, isn't it? They are all googly-eyed until they can smell the perfume of the other. Then, it just depends.
She is so passive, she probably would be docile. Have you ever thought to get another kitten, female of course to keep her company? She probably wouldn't sleep as much with a playmate.
That is such a sweet story and I kind of like just the way you told it. I can hear Cleo talking back. In catspeak, of course.
Yep, Cleo is very cautious and timid so I don't think she'd fight with Felix although she hissed at him the other day so who knows? They were funny on the weekend, both up at the glass door, him on the outside, and were just sitting there looking at each other for ten minutes. It was like one of those visits in a prison behind the glass. Lol. I don't mind though, Cleo seems to get something from it.
P.s. Cleo always talks to me, just not in human words.
Oh, for goodness sake, I thought you might understand me... I said in nice and slow. ;))
Well, in my head I heard, come on over for Devonshire tea and a chat.
Cleo has you soooo well trained. That was almost spot on! Stretches and curls up. Maybe after my nap.
First, the epigraph got me thinking and smiling at the same time as I read each word. It's more like a child finding joy knowing that he or she is adored and if in any way that is curtailed the child tend to live with sadness and a heavy heart.
Haha! At first I thought this involved humans not knowing I was going on a ride of surprises and my seat belt wasn't fastened so I found myself being defeated with the kind of surprise I got. Lol. So this love story involves cats huh? Actually it's so cute to see them bubble up together isn't it? I'd be so happy to witness their rom-com moments but it wouldn't be too good for a person who just got heartbroken like myself. Lol. Because if animals could make advances then what the hell am I doing? It's actually a beautiful romantic story. I see cleo is mature now to have feelings. Don't you think you should try leaving them in a room with just camera's around 🤣? Just so we do not keep assuming, give it a try.
I'd not allow that other cat into my house so they'll never be in the same room. I think Cleo gets confidence from the fact there's glass between them because usually she's quite timid. So whilst the romance is alive I think it'll not progress much past where it's at right now.
Lol. As you wish!
I am so weak! I see fluffy cat I click!!🤣🤣
Cleo is a cutie and I am sure that you are super protective of her. No Romeo/Felix for her yet lol .It is nice that you allow random visits though
as long as there’s glass between them I’m ok with it
This sounded so G.-dog style haha. Unless you want lots of fluffy cats around then these encounters should continue under strict supervision haha.
I have heard about people ending up with a feline herd of 10 to 15 cats just because one started to ...fall in love lol. They are fast to multiply.
Yep, cats like to engage in some hanky panky huh? Young Mr. Felix won't be hanky pankying with Cleo though, not whilst the G-dog is around anyway!
Hahaha yes. There are some pills which can be given to cats to nip it in the bud or another option would be, of course, to spay her
This is so funny. Cleo might just change her sleeping habits when she's in the same room with Felix.
Probably not, she likes her sleep too much I think.
It's good to have things to watch and look forward to for indoor cats, for the entertainment and interest value. In the winter my cat goes a bit stir crazy because she can only go outside for a few minutes at a time. We bought her a large cat wheel to run on though and she loves that.
It's cool seeing how other beings interact with each other. Makes you wonder what they are thinking - other than the obvious "I'd like to mate with that one." 😆
I always wonder what Cleo is thinking. I make things up sometimes...But then the thought comes to me that she's probably just thinking about sleeping. Lol.
Probably hahaha
For a permanent indoor cat, this is a platonic love or maybe a curiosity that can always turn into a short and passionate love, if she will choose more freedom. And in my yard, since I no longer have a dog, various "Felixes" land and because I have no cat lady in the house, they are content to look for something to eat. Nice attention and your love for young Cleo, mostly asleep.
I htink you're right...It's a bit of friendship...But I think my love story made for a slightly better post so I ran with it.
Is it just me or the way it was written that I kinda wish they both get a happy ending at the end. 😅 (Or maybe this is because I've read too many fairytales growing up lol) Felix sounds like a great guy for a gal like Cleo, based on how you describe him. I seriously wish there's more to their lovestory!😻
It's unlikely Felix is going to get a happy ending with Cleo, I'm too protective of her. Besides, I think she's too shy. 😉
Oh now I feel bad for Felix...😟 But on the other hand I'm happy, it's really sweet how you take care of Cleo, she's the luckiest to have you in her life 🙌
She's my little girl, I need to protect her from romantic boy-cats.
This seems a lovely kitten's romance story. It's as if you have written the first part of a cat fairy tale.
Felix's patience lovingly watching his beloved Cleo as she sleeps is adorable. But I'm with you, although Cleo loves sleeping, it's better that you don't encourage them to be together in the same space, just in case, hehe.
Next thing Felix will be throwing pebbles at her window to get her attention and serenading her whilst she stands on the balcony, Romeo and Juliet style. 🙄
Haha, but in this case, Romeo runs the risk that the damsel falls asleep in the middle of the serenade, lol
Exactly and I'd say it's a good chance she does. Cleo likes a nap. 🙄
But what a good story! It could easily be a movie, the kind with platonic loves that end with something unexpected hehe...
Who knows how this love affair may end...Maybe it will endure through time and never end!
Beautiful! :)
I love your story. A beautiful story about 2 cats. haha. The sleepy cat is so cute and adorable as well.
Yes indeed, Cleo is sleep for sure. It's a good life.
Lovely post! Has Cleo always been an indoor cat?
Thank you. Yes Annabelle, she came to me as a stray at about 5 weeks old and whilst I've let her out a little bit only when I'm there. She's timid.