How many people know the absolute, unadulterated, truth about you? How you feel, what you think, your hopes, fears and dreams, loves and hates...I mean everything.
Most filter what information they share although wouldn't it be an interesting world if none of us had a filter and couldn't lie? There was a movie in which the character, a compulsive liar, lost his ability to do so and it resulted in funny, embarrassing and life changing moments. Alas life isn't like that, so we filter the information we share with people, sometimes from our loved ones also; myself included.
I think a lot. I don't mean I'm smarter than the next person though; most of you who read my posts will know I am not. I mean, my mind is loath to switch off and is always filled with something. There's a lot of empty space in there, plenty of room for all of those thoughts, but sometimes it fills up and I have to download it...but to whom?
I'm slow to trust people because people are people and often don't deserve my trust; I've been let down too many times so am careful with what I tell people. It probably speaks poorly of me, this lack of trust in humanity, but it's the only way to protect myself from a recurrence of past issues.
But, there is someone I trust implicitly...Somecat to be more precise.
That's a picture of Cleo above, I took it tonight. I was sitting with her after work talking about my day (which wasn't a great one) and some frustrations I have currently that I'm not keen to tell anyone else.
I can tell her though; why? Umm, she's a cat and won't repeat it obviously. Anyway, it's not that I'm afraid of opening up to others (humans) it's just that I'm not always ready to right away, and with some things will never do so. Talking to Cleo is a way to say the words, get them out of my head, without fear of them being repeated or of being judged, pitied, envied, ashamed, embarrassed, reviled or whatever else humans feel is an appropriate response. She just listens, purrs and falls asleep sometimes as well.
Some of you may remember Merlin, my best friend. He passed away in 2020, only a few days before my father did and both left a rather big whole in me that won't fill up.
I'd had Merlin for twenty two years and we spoke every day about everything. When he died I was devastated...and told Cleo about it. In truth, she missed Merlin so much also...I've never seen two cats be so reliant upon one another like those two. We consoled each other I guess and Cleo took over from Merlin so now she knows everything there is to know about me, and knows how to keep it secret.
After speaking with Cleo tonight we had a cuddle and I felt better. I love the way she totally trusts me when I pick her up.
She goes limp all over and just sinks into my arms knowing she is safe, protected at all costs and can let go of any fear or doubt. She's a flighty cat and doesn't like strangers and loud noises so for her to relax like that says a lot about how comfortable she feels. I feel the same in return I guess, she brings me so much comfort and contentedness that I feel well, I guess I feel safe also, cradled emotionally.
Pets are amazing things and have incredible powers over their owners. They have a healing ability I believe, one of the reasons they introduce animals to elderly people, the infirm and those who suffer with dementia. Pets heal the soul, or so I find it and that's certainly what Cleo does for me.
Have you had, or do you have, similar experiences with your own pets? I think most pet owners feel a close bond with their pets, and most I know talk to I'm not crazy y'all! Let me know in the comments if you have a pet story of your own or of someone you know...and, if you have any secrets to tell just go ahead and put them in the comments...The G-dog knows how to keep a secret. 😉
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
The image is my own
This is such a lovely post - thank you for sharing it with us, @galenkp.
Ben and I have a furry best friend - well, we've had more than one over the years - and they are central to our lives in the same way Merlin and Cleo have been for you.
Let me introduce you to this little cutie:
This cat had many names - Jess to start with, as we thought he was a girl kitty, and then found out he was a boy, so he got called Jimmy.
I was at a house party in mid September 1998 - it was a colleague from work that I didn't know too well, so I hoped the party might change that. My friend and I got there early, and the party wasn't even really going at that point, especially as her toddler was still up. He was playing when I first saw him, throwing a ball against a wall, over and over. At least, we thought it was a ball. It was only when the ball chirped, unfolded itself and tried to get away that we realised it was a kitten. This Kitten. To our utter horror, our colleague knew full well what her son had been doing, and hadn't been bothered in the slightest.
Long story short, my friend and I cat-napped the kitten, and left the party later, with kitty in pocket. Originally, my pal was going to look after him, but as he already had a fully grown, unneutered male cat at home, I became his human less than 10 days later. He was taken to the vets with 12 hours of becoming mine, and it's a good thing I did so, as he was extremely poorly, and wouldn't have lasted the weekend without treatment.
The rest, as they say, is history. This little buddy became my everything.
(My reading buddy)
Mind you, in 2006 he met Ben, and they became best friends too. Overnight, all my training went out the window, and they were dirty rotten scoundrels together (Ben taught him to nick my bacon off my plate!)
He was with us until Feb 2018, and passed away at 19 and a half years of age...
This has brought up so many good memories of him that I will pop an extended post about all things JimmyGinger and share it in #HiveCats.
Thanks again!
Annabelle :)
What a great story, although, I'm sorry to read he's gone. I guess you have some cool memories though, including the one of how you came to own him. Cat-napped huh? That's awesome and clearly you saved him from certain death. Nice work.
I hope you'll do a post, elaborate on the story and add some more shenanigans as well. 😁
Thank you, @galenkp - I've done just that:
I just wish I had more photos of when he was younger. There's also one memory I have that still makes me giggle - my Dad was (by his own admission) not a cat person, yet accepted me bringing Jimmy home with me when I went back to Cardiff when he was ill. One day, I caught him feeding Jimmy choice morsels of chicken under the table when he thought I wasn't looking! I found out because he was purring so loudly, I could hear him from the other side of the room! 🤣🤣
Cats are awesome...
Annabelle 😊
I just had a quick look. Will read it later. Am at work so...should probably do the right thing. 🙄
Hi @galenkp ! You are definitely not crazy. Because I'm doing the same thing. I have a cat who is about to turn two years old and she is my everything. I love dealing with her. I even hugged her and cried! I wish our pets could talk. Everything would be easier. I don't think I need a friend in this situation. :))
It's good to see the little girl doing well. I remember when you first got her. 😊
Your kitty is very cute, I like her color.
Ahhh thank you so much @carmary ☺️
I love it when they trust you and go all limp when you pick them up. I have had to do a lot of man handling with my oldest cat shady who has been going to the vet a bit lately. She does the same. I talk to her all the time. She always makes me calm when I give her a cuddle and a snuggle!
It's amazing how they gave the ability to make us smile when we don't have anything to smile about you know? Cleo never fails to do so.
I hope Shady goes ok.
They do make us smile, when I see Shady lying like Cleo in your pic, the paw under the chin way my heart always melts and I smile like mad.
She is doing better, she went completely blind a couple of weeks ago. The vet said it was detached retinas due to high bp , said it was highly unlikely they would reattach so she would be blind for the rest of her life. We gave her bp meds anyway to get it down and a few days later she stopped banging into things. The vet didn't say it was a miracle but she was very very surprised!
Which made me happy as I was a blubbering wreck when I took her in the first time
It's heart-rending when they are sick, when they decline. I know how you feel and empathise. I went through the wringer with Merlin and even now get upset thinking about it.
I think Shady is a super-girl and a pretty good fighter as well. So, give her heaps of cuddles and take advantage huh?
Dont worry mate, I am on it. She is probably getting sick of the attention now. Apart from the treats, she will never tire of them I think.
But aye, they are damn special. Cats for the win!
Who could ever get sick of Boomy cuddles?
Thats what I say to the missus! :OD
I just have to say it.... Is the movie you were referring to the Yes Man?
Also, I'll have no way of knowing. I never had a pet of my own before but after reading your post, I think I might consider getting a small kitten. I'll probably call her Lyla.
Honestly, I could use that level of warmth, comfort, and healing in my life.
But if I may... What about your partner?
That's the movie. It has some funny parts.
People that don't have pets will rarely understand the connection and feelings I guess. But, once it happens, they get a pet, they come to the realisation that their life wasn't quite complete prior. Well, in most cases anyway I think.
They can heal a wounded heart I think. They can be trusted because they know whom to trust. It's not just they are pets or animals but they know how to love their owners like their own. Yes, I remember how painful it was for you back then.
It's hard to trust especially when we experienced a lot of betrayals or just dishonesty.
People tend to have their own agenda and sometimes that means they feel compelled to act poorly to further their own needs. It's ok unless it affects others adversely I guess.
Thanks for your comment.
Animals know when we are not well, so they will come to us and comfort us with their affection, and somehow, their company makes us feel better.
This is true indeed. Do you have any yourself?
Of course, I have 3 cats that make my days happier.
Oh that's cool. I once had three at the same time, now just Cleo. Losing them is so difficult though huh?
I don't want to imagine losing any of them, they are still young, no more than a year old... But I have had other pets that were very dear to me and I can understand your pain, at least you still have Cleo, she can be your little ray of light.
Cleo is a pretty special little cat and one of the only things in the world that can make me smile, no matter what.
i am not a pet owner but yeah i know a llot of pet owners especially cat owners and all talk to them, for me it was a little bit weird at the beginning to hear that haha but now its like normal ;)
There are many non-pet owners who don't understand the connection and so feel it a little weird. But for every one of them, there's a pet owner who understands and loves the bond.
Life with cats is better😺
Indeed it is. I can't imagine what life might be like without knowing I can come home to Cleo. She is a big part of me.
So sweet.
I would have a cat (or two) if one of the cards life dealt me wasn't being allergic to them. I had some growing up and a couple after I left home for a few years, but slowly became more and more allergic. Wah !
The dust bunnies here don't really care what I have to say... or who I am.
Ah yes, those unfortunate people who have alergies can't often enjoy the benefits of cats (or dogs I guess) in the house. I'm not sure how I'd handle it personally, not well I think considering how much important Cleo, Merlin, and my other cats, have had on me.
I hope I never become allergic. But...having said that, I know Cleo wouldn't cause an allergic reaction in you, she's not rascally like that, so I think you'd get away with a cuddle. 😊
Sometimes I take a cuddle from my sister's or brother's cats. I can't really nuzzle, because they can't be in my face, but I'm good for some rubs and scratchies, I just have to wash my hands right after so I don't accidentally touch my face with cat hands. Oh... and when I get home my clothes go straight into the washer.
Funny thing is, my allergies must make me smell trustworthy somehow, because even the shy ones will appear out of their hiding places to come rub around my legs. I can't tell you how many times I have gotten funny looks from cat owners when their normally shy, stranger avoiding cats curl around my feet or jump up on a table beside me and rub their heads on my shoulders or arms. "I can't believe they did that, they always hide from strangers"..... can't tell you how many times I've been told something like that.
That's something at least, a cat scratch and rub is always welcome. I can understand you having to take measures after though. I'm so glad I'm not allergic as (mostly) I have Cleo fur on my clothing most days. It's my fault, not hers. 😁
I think cats have a sense of who needs a bit of love and administer it as they please, regardless of allergies. 😳😁
Maybe so. I was choosing to think they knew a good spirit when they saw one.
Lol, well of course, that goes without saying really. Cat's know how to pick the good ones.
I have two that are brother and sister and I have had them a long time now... they are both so sweet and love to be pet and love to get their motor running. They are such a comfort and they took good care of my dad when I was there and he wanted to hold the cat, she just snuggled up to him, as if she knew he was sick. They can read you, I swear.
This was such a cute post. I love your kitty too. She is a sweety.
Yep, they know who needs a cuddle and when...With me, well, I always need one...but that's no secret.
Your photos are always so good.
They really do! Thanks, but these two make it easy because they are so cute. I actually love the coat on Cleo. Calico Kitties are the sweetest!
Cleo has some nice colours and has such a beautiful nature. So loving and just so damned cute. Cats in general are. I love cats. 🙄
Yes, exactly. I love cats too... that could be my problem. :)
Lol...yeah mine too. I like cats better than most people.
Haha... I can't admit that out loud. The cats will take advantage of me.
Even though I don't have my own pet at the moment, I try my best to hang around stray animals. Mostly the dogs and cats in our area, and I can surely say that these animals have healing powers. I've been around many different types of animals from a very young age and I say that EVERYONE needs a pet. A companion of their own by their side, a true friend.
With humans having the ability to be duplicitous, to lie, cheat and deceive...Well, it makes having a pet, quite potentially, ones only true companion. You know?
I totally understand what you're trying to say brother, and have to say that I surely do agree with every part of it.
Love this post!! Aren't our furkids the greatest?
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I couldn't be without her. Cleo is one of the only things on the planet that can make me smile without question. 😊
Sometimes it amazes me how they do that. Even in the worst of times, they find a way to make me smile 😻😺 purrs and head bonks to her from me!
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Without them our lives would be...less.
Cleo is just so cute Galen. Maybe it's her little pink nose? I can't help but smile whenever I see her:)
It's an awesome feeling for both of you I believe, to have such as a great connection:)
She's my babygirl and I love her so much. The only thing that would make her better is if she could actually talk. 😁
I agree! That's exactly what I think when I see how close you both are 😁
Imagine if you got home and Cleo greeted you to tell you about her dreams (because sleeping is what she loves the most right?) Hmm,I wonder what cats dream about though?
I'd get home and she's more likely to say, pick me up and cuddle me, then put me down and feed me...then cuddle me again.
I'll oblige. 🤣
I think that sounds closer to reality🤣, and yes I'm sure you would oblige;)
Hello my friend @galenkp let me tell you that you are not crazy when you talk to your cats. At home we have two beautiful cats. My husband got them homeless and lonely so now they are part of the family cats please me and every day I talk to them and give them lots of affection and love. They also love to play and make me laugh and even sometimes when I feel stressed they bring a smile to my face.
Well, I'm pleased I'm not crazy, not in this regard anyway. ✅
I love having Cleo around and understand well just how much love and affection you give your cats as I do the same. 😊
Krazzy here... Kelly was reading your Cleo post as we are out to supper at a local pub called the Brown Lantern. She hot potato'd.. the phone to me to read it. We love the Kit Posts.!!
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Ohhhh yeah...Out to dinner at the Brown Lantern without inviting the old G-dog huh? 🤔
Have a good night nutbags, you deserve it. ✅
You know our story...
We get it, absolutley.!!
Yep, indeed. Your story is Hive legend. 😊