#Mis lindas Tortugas/#My pretty Turtles

in Hive Pets3 years ago

¡Hola amigos de hive un saludo en especial a esta colmena espero que estén bien; hoy les vengo a presentar mis tortugas las cuales las tengo desde hace 8 años y se han ido reproduciendo poco a poco. Algunas características de las tortugas son: existen desde hace más de 100 millones de años, el sexo de la tortuga se determina por la temperatura ya que por el calor de la arena donde se incuban los huevos mientras más sube la temperatura suelen salir más hembras, estas lindas tortugas pueden vivir de 70 a 80 años, su caparazón protege por completo su columna, no tienen cuerdas vocales, no se pueden separar de su caparazón. Tener una tortuga en casa es algo muy positivo ya que es muy difícil que se enfermen y mucho menos que transfieran ningún tipo de enfermedad a los seres humanos. Tampoco causan ningún tipo de alergia. Si quieren tener una tortuga en casa tienen que asegurarse que estén bien alimentadas y que reciban suficiente calcio y vitamina D es muy importante que una tortuga tenga calcio para fortalecer su caparazón y evitar que se deformen, a las tortugas se le puede dar de comer toda clase de lechugas, endivias, rúcula y canónigos. También se le puede dar otros tipos de verduras como acelgas, las hojas de nabo, asimismo algunas flores y plantas como el diente de león o los tréboles.

Hello friends of hive a special greeting to this hive I hope you are well; Today I come to present my turtles which I have had for 8 years and have been reproducing little by little. Some characteristics of turtles are: they have existed for more than 100 million years, the sex of the turtle is determined by the temperature since, due to the heat of the sand where the eggs are incubated, the more the temperature rises, more females tend to come out, These cute turtles can live from 70 to 80 years, their shell completely protects their spine, they do not have vocal cords, they cannot be separated from their shell. Having a turtle at home is a very positive thing since it is very difficult for them to get sick, much less transfer any type of disease to human beings. They also do not cause any type of allergy. If you want to have a turtle at home, you have to make sure that they are well fed and that they receive enough calcium and vitamin D. It is very important that a turtle has calcium to strengthen its shell and prevent it from deforming, turtles can be fed whole class of lettuces, endives, arugula and lamb's lettuce. You can also give it other types of vegetables such as chard, turnip greens, also some flowers and plants such as dandelions or clovers.







How cool. Eight years is a long time and I’m sure you know a lot about turtles by now. Very cool thanks for sharing the photos I love love love turtles, except for snapping turtles. Those I just leave alone. LOL

Thank you very much friend if I know a lot about this cute animal.

such beautiful creatures, they do really live long, and tend to outlive their owners most of the time, thank you for sharing about them 😊

You're welcome, if it is a very smooth animal