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RE: Kuro y Susy, gatita de acogida || Kuro and Susy, foster kitten [ESP/ENG]

in Hive Pets5 months ago

Why no hive power? I would vote but your just going to dump it. Not what hive needs right now. We need more dissenting voices and more people to power up and decentralize the power that is right now. 4 people or less have 30% of all HP. That's not decentralized to me. Hope you consider powering up.

Aldo have you tried blurt?


I was absent from Hive for a while and I just came back to find that someone had access to my account and took all my resources. If you look at my wallet you can see those transactions. I can't do a power up right now, but I will do it when I can.

I don't know what is blurt, but I'm open to learn if you explain it to me.

Take your pick there are others. It's another Blockchain like hive that forked from steemit. If you still have your steemit keys you might have an account on blurt already.

Thank you very much, I will take a look.

you're better off focusing on hive mate :)

Yeah, I thought about it and I realized it is better to keep working only on Hive.

Also, as a safety precautions, what I personally do I set a calendar date to reset all my passwords. Write them down again, etc. Idk how much you lost but you should take into account what types of scams they are and how people get to you to manipulate you to give them access to your accounts.

Good luck.

I made the mistake to save my Master Key in my Google Account and there was an attack to Google and someone was able to take out my Master Key, so... I have already changed all my keys and safely saved somewhere offline. Thank you for your advice, I will take it in count.

Lol Google has that backdoor access made easy like the whores they are. Your the ass and their going to let whatever slide in hard at your expense. That's all goggle does. It shits on you too and doesn't clean up their mess even.

Stay Away from all google related products if you know what's good for you.

Well, yeah. It was also my fault that I got a notification about that violation and I didn't do anything about it. As I was away from Hive at that moment, I didn't remember that my key was there.

I tried to do a power up but I can't send Hive from Binance to Hive because my phone (an old one) doesn't let me take the 2FA code before it resets the transaction. I do everything from my phone, I don't have a PC.

That's something you'll have to go through with binance support maybe.

Reset your phone details idk.

I use the official hive apps and nothing more.

I use Ecency 'cause it have a mobile app and it's more comfortable for me to use in my phone. When I had my PC I used or Peakd.

I will try again later with Binance.

If you need a blurt account.

We can make one for you free.

Chat it up here:!