dragon708 cross-posted this post in Hive Pets 3 years ago


in #dog3 years ago

El Bichón Habanero o Habanés es una raza canina pequeña y de compañía y es el perro nacional de Cuba. Es reconocido por su pelaje sedoso y fino, además de ser un perro alegre y activo. Su nombre viene del francés bichón que significa “perro faldero”, y habanero, o habanés, por su color particular similar al habano.

The Bichon Habanero or Habanés is a small and companion dog breed and is the national dog of Cuba. It is recognized for its silky and fine fur, as well as being a cheerful and active dog. Its name comes from the French bichon, which means "lap dog", and habanero, or havanese, for its particular color similar to habano.


Ella Se llama Motica.Tiene 5 años de edad . Nacida en la bella ciudad de Santa CLara. CUBA. Tubo una Infancia dificil .Fue criada en un tejado de una casa . a la interperie donde le daba el sol durante el dia y no tenia un techo donde protegerse de las inclemencias del clima. Estaba toda descuidada, sucia, con heridas en la piel y el pelo totalmente enredado.desnutrida y desidratada. Hace un año logramos rescatarla de ese lugar.Luego de varios dias de negociaciones con sus antiguos dueños. Fueron bastante duras las semanas que vinieron luego del rescate teniamos una perrita que no dejaba casi ni tocarse y pasamos semanas atendiendola con el veterinario. Hoy es una perra totalmente distinta. feliz y cariñosa y sobre todo saludable. Un poco de amor puede Cambiar la vida de estas bellas criaturas. Es un milagro Maravilloso.

She is called Motica. She is 5 years old. She was born in the beautiful city of Santa Clara. CUBA. She had a difficult childhood, she was raised on a roof of a house. outdoors where she was exposed to the sun during the day and she did not have a roof to protect herself from inclement weather. She was all neglected, dirty, with wounds on her skin and her hair completely tangled, malnourished and dehydrated. A year ago we managed to rescue her from that place. After several days of negotiations with her former owners. The weeks that came after her rescue were quite hard. We had a dog that almost didn't let herself be touched and we spent weeks taking care of her at the vet. She today she is a totally different dog. happy and affectionate and above all healthy. A little love can change the lives of these beautiful creatures. It is a wonderful miracle.

Nuestra Familia Es Amante De Los Perros. Tenemos Mucho que contar, a diario pasan por nuestras manos infinidad de cachorros a los cuales ayudamos a encontrar su hogar perfecto. Cada uno es una historia y deseamos compartir nuestras experiencia. Siganos si les gustaria escuchar sobre el Mejor amigo del hombre,El compañero mas fiel y leal."EL PERRO".
gracias por llegar hasta aqui....... una despedida cordial. Hasta La Proxima

Our family is a dog lover. We have a lot to tell, every day countless puppies pass through our hands and we help them find their perfect home. Each one is a story and we want to share our experience. Follow us if you would like to hear about Man's Best Friend, The most faithful and loyal companion."THE DOG".
thank you for coming here... a cordial farewell. Until next time

@dragon708 #DragonCave