William, the cat: A short story about being totally a free spirit pet....

in Hive Pets6 days ago


William is a cat who, to describe him in a few words, is more like a jaguar or a cheetah than the domestic feline we all think of when the word ‘cat’ comes to mind. He is my biggest cat. The biggest of my pets, the first of his name, the biggest of them all; and the most indomitable.... He never comes when he is called, although he recognises, and very well his name, he only does it when he wants to... I think the picture on the cover is the most faithful to his true personality: a free-spirited kitten who doesn't follow the rules.

From the beginning I knew he would be like that. He came into my life as a 2 month old kitten.... Thin, fierce, wild. Everything you can imagine, it has taken with him. Visits to the vet for routine checks, not to mention injections. He was in several fights as a ‘teenager’ where he was badly injured. To cure him, it took three people just to immobilise him; in short, this boy is the very definition of ‘living to be wild’. Steppenwolf's song is an accurate description of this feline....



Strangely enough, this Sunday morning I found him in an excellent mood. It was he, who came into my room through the window to wake me up with ‘little kisses’ and purrs.... Believe me, even for me it was totally strange to see that he was acting like an ordinary kitten. I made sure that his strange approach to me was not due to being hungry, or having caught a mouse or lizard, and then I got the scare of my life. .... I checked everywhere, and everything was in perfect order. It was him, being nice and cute, and wanting to ‘play’ with me.

So, that's what I did.... I played along with my dear William. I opened the door and started playing with him. Ever since he was a puppy, I've kept the only toy that has survived his destruction.... A small shoelace with a rattle tied on the end.... It worked perfectly. The instant I started the movement with my hands, he began to play. If Wiliam were a human child, I could attest that I saw him ‘smile’ and enjoy himself. The little curmudgeon has started to play like an adorable kitten.



I couldn't get over my astonishment, so I told my daughter to hand me my mobile phone. Ela and I exchanged hands and I decided to capture William's strange humour. I have very few pictures of him... ‘Why?’ you may ask? And the answer is simple: he doesn't allow me to get too close. As soon as he sees that I want to take a picture of him, he runs away, or climbs to a higher place to be safe. This time it was totally different... He decided that it would be us, part of the company he wanted for his Sunday morning. He jumped, wiggled, tried to ‘hunt’ his prey at all costs, and even amazed us with a couple of tender ‘meows’ on his part and the inclination of his little head in search of cuddles and affection, accompanied with soft cat purrs...

William, the untamed and wild 3 year old feline; free as the wind and fierce as lightning, suddenly needed to play like his little brothers do. My daughter always says that Will is really our owner and that we are his kitties... Playing a clear game with the identities between my pet and the rest of us who live in my house... Sometimes, I must confess, I have believed my little girl's theory... Today, for example, I have learned to contemplate her character more. I have understood with the passing of time, that with him, things are his way and that's it.... He is noble, he is strong, he is wild and fierce but he is my child. The biggest and greatest of all, the first of his name and the one who inspired this post. William wanted to play with us, and here is a testimony for posterity.



All photographs and content used in this post are my own. Therefore, they have been used under my permission and are my property.


Hello William! He looks pretty muscular and thank you for sharing his story in our beloved Hive Pets Community 🐾

@hive-196708 muscular you say? Hahaha, that's some genuine definition of my boy... He is a total chaos but he's my chaos. No need to thank me. I absolute love this community. Thank you for stopping by, friend!