You have not spewed nothing. You have made me fall madly in love with Raiden. I feel like I know his soul. He is a freedom lover and that is admirable.
I can't believe it can be so easy for someone to shoot a dog that is not harming anyone. The photos of him are so adorable it breaks my heart. I just want to wrap my arms around him.
Hope you're well and keeping strong.
This is the only time (that I know of) where a gun has actually been pulled on Raiden, but the topic has come up multiple times. The threat from my old landlord. The random comments I'll get from people admiring him. It's funny for me because I'm all for people arming themselves- but the culture of the people who constantly talk about it.. god, they are just SO EAGER to use them. I'm 100% all for people to arm themselves. Just shut the fuck up about it. You don't need to tell me at a dog park how many guns you own; especially as an indirect threat to my dog you are admiring... it's crazy.
Off topic, or kind of anyway, sorry haha. Raiden is certainly a freedom lover. When we first moved to the area he was really good and I could let him roam for awhile at our previous house. He got too comfortable, though, and now knows most of the area too well; so I can't let him wander too much. He also is obsessed with trying to find our local bear family, and I'm pretty sure they're friends but I still don't want him to piss off momma too much.
He is currently playing fetch with himself. He knows how to throw the ball with his mouth. Usually he just kind of does it to encourage someone to throw it for him, but at the moment, he's just chasing it, throwing it, chasing it, throwing it, chewing on it, tasting it, throwing it....
I am also for the freedom of arming even though Canadians just don't openly have guns. I am not interested in owning one though. People need to understand that if they try to create gun laws it's to stop people from fighting back. Most people don't get that. I understand that people can have guns and misuse them for their own power. A lot of people just suck.
The thought of Raiden looking for the bears is so cute but super scary at the same time. I love a dog that can entertain themselves. My dog inlaw is not like that at all. He is super dependent and can never be left alone. It's a real problem. They are seniors and if something happens to them we just can't take him. I'm sending him to Raiden.