What does my Lovely Kitty do all day? / ¿Qué hace mi Encantadora Gatita todo el Día?

in Hive Pets3 months ago


Greetings beautiful and dear Hivepets community, I hope you have received this new year with very good energies, I wish you a prosperous new year and very happy with your beloved pets 🤗

A lot you hear that Cats are lazy, and yes, the truth I can't deny it, although that's their nature and it's better not to go against it, anyway, they have a time for everything, time to play and sleep, time to hunt, mmmmm and sleep, time to poop and pee and sleep, time to cuddle and sleep hahahaha 🤣

Today I was provoked to share with you some of the things that Mitchu does all day long, and that's to show you that she is a very active girl and don't go around making up stories that she doesn't do anything but just sleep.

Normally in the early morning after doing her turn to hunt hehehehe, Mitchu goes to cuddle very close to me exactly in my hair, there she falls asleep until I get up, then we will say that the first thing she does in the morning is to eat, I have three schedules for her, so she eats in the morning, in the afternoon and at night.

After she is satisfied she starts her usual cleaning section, there she can spend a long time, unless something distracts her, depending on her mood, she goes back to sleep or just starts playing, she has different ways to have fun.

It can be with my husband or with me in bed, she also likes to play to run around with our doggy, or just play with her balls, a game she loves is the scratching post, there she can spend a good time, besides jumping from one side to another by the furniture of the house, in short our Kitty doesn't get bored.

Can you imagine what comes next, well, then to sleep for a few hours, until it's about time for the second meal 😊.

After her second meal, it's almost always the same cycle as in the morning, clean up, rest, relax and go back to sleep until it starts to get dark, from this point on she gets more active.

She loves to be where we are, either with my husband or with me, and she loves to sleep and play with our clothes and if those clothes have just been worn, even better, that makes us very tender!

Well we continue telling how Mitchu is at night, when it starts to get dark she is very active, she is everywhere, always like looking for something to hunt, or looking for new things to know, always curious, and with all her senses ready to see if she catches a prey 😜 I have already seen her catch small lizards, flies and cockroaches, honestly I am still not used to it.

Usually at 8:30 to 9: 00 PM I give her her last meal of the day, thank God she almost always has a good appetite, she always after she eats she cleans herself, but at this time of the night she is still active and we ready to go to sleep, sometimes she accompanies us at that time, but usually she stays in the living room or kitchen always vigilant looking for what to hunt, then in the early morning at about one or two o'clock, she comes with her soft purring and her little paws to knead, and falls asleep right in my hair, or very close to me, and that is my favorite part 😍.

As always I leave you some pictures for you to enjoy my adorable Kitty and to give proof of what I am writing to you.

Thank you for reading and for looking at Mitchu's photos, may the Creator bless you generously. 🙏

Photos of my property taken and edited with my Tecno Spark 20c Phone.
Microsoft Word Dividers and Figures.
Collage Used: CollageMaker.


Saludos hermosa y querida comunidad de Hivepets, espero que hayan recibido este nuevo año con muy buenas energías, les deseo un próspero año nuevo y muy feliz junto a sus queridas mascotas 🤗

Mucho se escucha que los Gatos son perezosos, y si, la verdad no lo puedo negar, aunque esa es su naturaleza y es mejor no ir en contra de ella, de todas maneras, ellos tienen un tiempo para todo, tiempo para jugar y dormir, tiempo para cazar, mmmmm y dormir, tiempo para hacer popo y pipi y dormir, tiempo para mimos y dormir jajajaja 🤣

Hoy me provocó compartir con ustedes alguna de las cosas que hace Mitchu durante todo el día, y eso para demostrarles que ella es una chica muy activa y no estén por allí inventando cuentos de que no hace nada, sino solo dormir.

Normalmente en la madrugada después de hacer su turno para cazar jejeje, Mitchu se va a acurrucarse muy cerca de mi exactamente en mi cabello, allí se queda dormida hasta que yo me levanto, entonces vamos a decir que lo primero que hace en la mañana es comer, yo le tengo tres horarios, así que ella come en la mañana, en la tarde y en la noche.

Luego de haber quedado satisfecha se empieza a dar su acostumbrada sección de limpieza, allí puede pasar un largo rato, a menos que algo la distraiga, dependiendo de su humor, se vuelve a dormir o solo empieza a jugar, ella tiene diferentes maneras de divertirse.

Puede ser con mi esposo o conmigo en la cama, también le gusta jugar a corretear a nuestro perrito, o simplemente juega con sus pelotas, un juego que ella ama es el rascador, allí puede pasar un buen rato, además de saltar de un lado a otro por los muebles de la casa, en fin nuestra Gatita no se aburre.

¿Se podrán imaginar que viene después? bueno, después a dormir por unas cuantas horas, hasta que se acerca la hora de la segunda comida 😊

Luego de su segunda comida, casi siempre se cumple el mismo ciclo de la mañana, limpiarse, descansar, relajarse y volver a dormir hasta que empieza a oscurecer, a partir de este momento se pone más activa.

A ella le encanta estar en donde estamos nosotros, ya sea con mi esposo o conmigo, y ama el dormir y jugar con nuestra ropa y si esa ropa está acabada de usar mucho mejor, ¡a nosotros eso nos causa mucha ternura!

Bueno seguimos contando como es Mitchu en la noche, cuando empieza a oscurecer ella está muy activa, está por todas partes, siempre como buscando algo para cazar, o buscando cosas nuevas por conocer, siempre curioseando, y con todos los sentidos listos para ver si atrapa una presa 😜 ya la he visto atrapar pequeñas lagartijas, moscas y cucarachas, sinceramente todavía no me acostumbro.

Normalmente a las 8:30 a 9:00 PM le doy su última comida del día, gracias a Dios casi siempre tiene buen apetito, ella siempre después que come se limpia, pero a estas horas de la noche ella sigue activa y nosotros listos para ir a dormir, algunas veces ella nos acompaña en ese momento, pero normalmente ella se queda en la sala o cocina siempre vigilante buscando que cazar, luego en la madrugada a eso de la una o dos, ella llega con su suave ronroneo y con sus patitas para amasar, y se queda dormida justo en mi cabello, o muy pegadita a mí, y esa es mi parte favorita 😍

Como siempre le dejo unas fotos para que disfruten de mi adorable Gatita y para dar constancia de lo que les escribo.

Gracias por leer y por mirar las fotos de Mitchu, el Creador les bendiga generosamente. 🙏

Fotos de mi propiedad tomadas y editadas con mi Teléfono Tecno Spark 20c.
Separadores y Figuras de Microsoft Word.
Collage Usado: CollageMaker.


Cats are really crazy and funny creatures, your kitti looks fun 😊☺️

Yes my Kitty is very funny every day she surprises me with her witticisms!
Greetings @noemilunastorta, I wish you a very prosperous new year, full of good health and beautiful things for your life.

It is very beautiful your kitty, it looks like she is very spoiled, and you can see that she knows she is loved hahahaha, it shows. Take good care of her, she can paw mine hahahaha (instead of holding hands), greetings!

Hi, yes she is very spoiled she does whatever she wants in the house, but she is so adorable hehehehehehe.
Greetings @brujita18, may this new year bring you very beautiful things, blessings.🤗

Beautiful your cat Mitchu the eyes are beautiful, they are usually very active in the early morning.

Thank you for your kind words for my Kitty, and yes they are very active in the morning and at night, well Mitchu is like that.
Greetings sweetie, and may this new year fulfill your best wishes! 😊

hermosas fotos

beautiful pictures!

Thanks You friend ☺️

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much for your kind support @ewkaw and @qurator, many successes for this new year.🤗

Best regards, happy new year! 😊💕Very grateful for the support @seckorama and @ecency.


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