Source: The daily Telegraaf my morning newspaper edition from friday
Como puede leer, es un lugar especial para mí. En estos tiempos difíciles de cierre, el zoológico tiene problemas porque no llega dinero. ¡Y los animales necesitan comida!
Así que hubo varias iniciativas para poner dinero en la billetera del zoológico, pero es difícil porque todas las personas tienen problemas de dinero en este momento. ¡Así que todas las iniciativas son bienvenidas y cada euro cuenta!
Ahora que la supervivencia del icónico Diergaarde Blijdorp está amenazada por las millones de pérdidas en la era de la corona, surge la pregunta en Rotterdam: ¿qué sigue? En cualquier caso, continuar como de costumbre no es una opción ”.
La supervivencia de casi todos los zoológicos holandeses está sometida a una gran presión. En conjunto, han solicitado ayuda financiera al Ministerio de Agricultura.
"Sin la ayuda del gobierno, los zoológicos colapsarán", dijo la Asociación Holandesa de Zoológicos en el periódico Telegraaf. En total, esto afecta a 27 de los más de 30 parques de animales.
Consecuencias para los queridos animales nacidos aquí. Pequeños y grandes y todos necesitados de comida. Y atención, pero también encerrado, es un hueso duro de roer. Los animales que normalmente ven tanta gente ahora están en un zoológico silencioso. Escuché que incluso eso puede generar estrés. Si la situación del covid nos acompaña durante más meses, tendrá consecuencias para una gran cantidad de animales. "En total, estamos hablando de 1000 especies de animales y 100.000 animales en los zoológicos holandeses. Por eso acudieron al ministerio en busca de ayuda y el gobierno los ayudará, pero hay mucho que hacer y solo una cantidad limitada de fondos.
Debido al cierre y las medidas en vigor, los zoológicos ya están sufriendo una pérdida conjunta de 150 millones de euros. El paquete de emergencia debería cubrir 110 millones de esa pérdida. Pero 40 millones restantes es duro. E incluso cuando todas las iniciativas funcionen, surgirán problemas. El programa de cría se detiene porque los animales no pueden viajar.
Sin embargo, vi algunas buenas noticias sobre comida. En el periódico leí que los animales que murieron en los bosques o en los bosques a causa del atropello y que están sanos serán alimentados a los animales del zoológico. Tenemos muchos ciervos y con la nieve se acercan a las ciudades en busca de comida ya veces se acercan a las carreteras. Cuando se asustan por el tráfico y son atropellados, van a un punto de recogida y van a tres zoológicos en los Países Bajos que tienen los mayores problemas para alimentar a los animales salvajes más grandes, como tigres y leones. Creo que es una nueva forma de reciclar. El hecho de que no tengamos que incinerar a todos los animales encontrados en la naturaleza y sacrificados también es más económico para la comunidad y ayuda un poco al zoológico con la alimentación.
My aunt worked there aswell and times were different back than without screens and telephones and being around animals made me happy. We always went to the feeding times, we loved the seals place the best. Nowadays we have the biggest sea aquarium in Blijdorp and its a Europeans breeding program for many wild animal species.
So when I became a mum, we as a family took out a year subscription aswell. And now that I am writing this, I remembered that the company I work for is a sponsor of BLIJDORP zoo in Rotterdam aswell.
As you can read it’s a special place for me. In these difficult times of lockdown the zoo has problems because there is no money coming in. And animals need food !
So there were several initiatives to get money in the zoo’s wallet but it’s hard because people all have money issues right now. So every initiative is welcomed and every euro counts!
Now that the survival of the iconic Diergaarde Blijdorp is threatened by the millions of losses in the corona era, the question arises in Rotterdam: what next? "In any case, continuing as usual is not an option."
The survival of almost all Dutch zoos is under great pressure. They have jointly asked the Ministry of Agriculture for financial assistance.
"Without government assistance, zoos will collapse," the Dutch Zoo Association told in the Telegraaf newspaper. In total, this concerns 27 of the more than 30 animal parks.
Consequences for the dear animals all born here. Small and big and all in need of food. And attention but also in lockdown is that a hard nut to crack. Animals that normally see so many people now are in a silent zoo. I heard that even that can give stress. Should the covid situation be with us for more months to come, it will have consequences for a large number of animals. "In total we are talking about 1000 animal species and 100,000 animals in Dutch zoos. That's why they turned to the ministry for help and the government will help, but there is so much to do and only so much funds.
Due to the lockdown and the measures in force, the zoos are already suffering a joint loss of 150 million euros. The emergency package should cover 110 million of that loss. But 40 million remaining is harsh. And even when all initiatives work, problems will arise. The breeeding program is stopped because animals cant travel.
I saw some good food news though. In the newspaper I read that the animals that got killed in or forests by roadkill, and are healthy will be fed to the animals in the zoo’s. We have many deer and with the snow they come close to the cities looking for food and sometimes get to close to the roads. When they get scared by traffic and get hit, they go to a collect point and go to three zoo’s in the Netherlands who have the biggest problems to feed the biggest wild animals, like tigers and lions. I think its a new way of recycling. The fact we don’t have to cremate all the animals found in nature and killed is also a cheaper for the community, and helps the zoo’s a bit with feeding.
Image ANP
The old entrance and the one I love the most
With the years subscription you can visit all zoo’s that are in the Netherlands
With the family
The park and all its animals
Our entrance passes
The city map from @pinmapple
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@brittandjosie They are not having money because they do not allow people to go to visit the zoo? or why? it's a shame for the animals. something like this had happened in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Organizations such as Greenpeace and vegan people organized to close the zoo in the city but due to the number of animals, they had to send some to other countries and those that remained were given asylum in the same place. Today it is a reserve and is in the hands of the State but they do not allocate much budget there. So you can imagine what the state of these animals is like. It's a shame 😖😖
That is why I love farms so much.
That is very sad, so what is the plan? That is some massive losses,
I don't think you can send these animals back to Africa they'll get killed in the wild. I guess some zoo's around the world will need to take some of the animals.
No it’s pretty serious there is discussion about euthanasia , and when transport is allowed again they will try to swapp with zoo’s that have still sources to feed. It’s sad and the fact nobody is allowed in the zoo’s is also bad for the animals. I gave 100 euro but that will feed a bird two weeks 🥲
Ah that's horrible, having to put the animals down, and sucks for the kids who won't get to have the same experiences you had. The cost of lockdowns is really starting to stack up. We're so focused on us, the vulnerable, the poor but theres so many other things like this thats also going on. Sigh, when can we start winning again? I feel like we just taking losses
Can we talk about how much I love farms and farming?
Sorry for the late reply , yes we most certainly can and we needed to talk about Hawaï aswell
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Another rotterdam icon
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One of the things that came to my mind while reading this post was regarding how zoos remind me of farms. I'm thinking about how much I love farms right right now mainly due to the foundation how how much I enjoyed visiting zoos as a kid. In many ways, a farm is like a zoo. How cool is that?
I think farms have problems at the moment aswell. Maybe they can sell products and make some money the zoo cannot
It seems like they could remain open, but at reduced capacity, and ask the guests to keep social distance from other groups. I hope they can open again soon, or get donations so the poor animals can have food. 😕
We are a week further no funds enough yet, so they might have to euthanise
What an important topic!!!!!!
I often wonder how governments can bail out big companies and support them during times like these, just to keep investors and exchanges happy even though most companies have enough money and are a pest to the planet, and what really matters finds barely any support. Like zoos, or health care workers or initiatives focusing on making the planet better for everyone and not only the rich.
There are many plans but the zoo is big and we have 6 in the netherlands so they can not help all of them, its so sad because animals have nothing to do with the covid yet money is the factor again
Well they could, if they can help big companies with least that is what the german gov is doing with companies like VW, TUI, Lufthansa etc. And then they are going cheap on the social needs.
That is indeed sad! It seems to me that it can remain open. The zoo here is open to the public, As to how many go, I do not know.
So sad!!!