Bailey the rescue pup/The new pet🐕😍🙌 | Bailey el cachorro rescatado/La nueva mascota🐕😍🙌 Eng/Esp

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Hello to the entire hive community! I hope you are well ✌


Meet Bailey a rescue puppy, he is the newest member of the family and he is a cutie of a puppy.



A few days ago Isa and I rescued him from the street and prevented him from being run over by a car. It happened very early when he was waiting to take Isa to school.



The puppy had been hanging around the street for days, but we hadn't been able to catch him because he wouldn't let us get close, until the opportunity finally presented itself.


What happened to we with the puppy was love at first sight, he is so beautiful and so calm, it seems as if he has always belonged here. Isabela and he have an incredible connection.


She chose the name and it is due to a movie (The reason to be with you), in which a dog goes from life to life until it reaches its first owner again, in the movie the dog is called Bailey. And it is this puppy reminds us a lot of Clara, a dog that we had.


Clara died more than a year ago, she had very advanced cancer and we had to put her to sleep so she wouldn't suffer. She was an amazing dog, very polite and calm, qualities that the new puppy has. Besides, we see it and it is as if we were seeing Clara with the gestures she makes and how she behaves. Apart from that they are almost the same color.


The truth is I don't know if that thing about reincarnation is true or if it's a simple coincidence that we found this puppy, but we are very happy for the new pet.

And the truth is that Bailey will be cared for and loved in this family and we are sure that he will be very happy with his other colleagues.


After a good bath and cleaning, Meet Bailey Antonio Natera Hernandez 😂 the new official member of the family 😍



In this family we have the habit of placing two names and surnames to the pets we have 😁

📷 Some of the photos are courtesy of @natera.mig

Thanks for reading me! Until a new post 😊

¡Hola a toda la comunidad de hive! espero estén bien ✌


Conozcan a Bailey un cachorro rescatado, el es el nuevo integrante de la familia y es una hermosura de cachorro.



Hace unos días Isa y yo lo rescatamos de la calle y evitamos que lo atropellara un carro. Sucedió muy temprano cuando esperábamos para llevar a Isa a la escuela.



El cachorro tenia días rondando por la calle pero, no habíamos podido agarrarlo porque no dejaba que nos acercaramos, hasta que por fin se nos presento la oportunidad.


Lo que pasó con este cachorro fue amor a primera vista, es tan hermoso y tan tranquilo, pareciera como si siempre hubiese pertenecido aquí. Isabela y el tienen una conexión increíble.


Ella escogió el nombre y se debe a una película (La razón de estar contigo), en la que un perro va pasando de vida en vida hasta llegar de nuevo a su primer dueño, en la película el perro se llama Bailey. Y es que este cachorro nos recuerda mucho a Clara una perra que teníamos.


Clara murió hace más de un año, tenia cáncer muy avanzado y debimos dormirla para que no sufriera. Ella fue una perra increíble, muy educada y tranquila, cualidades que tiene el nuevo cachorro. Además, que lo vemos y es como si viéramos a Clara con los gestos que hace y como se porta. Aparte que son casi del mismo color.


La verdad no se si eso de la reencarnación es cierto o si es una simple coincidencia que diéramos con este cachorro pero, estamos muy felices por la nueva mascota.

Y lo cierto es que Bailey será cuidado y amado en esta familia y estamos seguras de que será muy feliz junto a sus demás compañeros.


Después de un buen baño y limpieza, les presento a Bailey Antonio Natera Hernandez 😂 el nuevo integrante oficial de la familia 😍



En esta familia tenemos por costumbre colocarle dos nombres y los apellidos a las mascotas que tenemos 😁

📷 Algunas de las fotos son cortesía de @natera.mig

¡Gracias por leerme! Hasta una nueva publicación 😊


Hi Bely. I notice that your cover picture designs looked really awesome.

im totally new to this designing thingy. What are you using to design these?

I also found you very artistic.

hello! thank you very much 😊

to edit my photos and make my covers I use two programs snapseed and pics art, with the first I edit the photos and with the other I make the collages. and after I have them ready I go back to snapseed and put the text on it.

They really are very easy programs to use 😉

Thank you so very much! I'll play around with it soonest :)




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