Happy Birthday, Romashka!

in Hive Pets3 years ago

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Wow, what a story... Romashka is a fighter! Her transformation from the poor sick street dog to this gorgeous doggie lady is just incredible. Happy birthday girl!

Happy Birthday, Romashka 🎂 ❤️
So adorable 🐶

Yay! 🤗
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Recently, my country has also decided to collect against stray animals. I'm so upset that I've been sleeping on sleeping pills for days. I have an incredible sensitivity towards animals, so when I see good people like you, I get emotional. Good luck to you 🙏 glad this beauty was born🎉🎈

Happy Birthday Romashka!
She's such a beautiful dog! I like when you share your forest walks with her.
By the way, does the word Romashka mean anything special, or is it just a name?

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Oh, that's really nice, perfect name for her!

Poor Romashka I really sympathize, good recovery

Feliz cumpleaños para ese hermoso peludito, que tenga mucha salud.

Romashka nice name I like it 😊 happy moments dear friend 👍