Everyday life of our animals: Felicia and Buba

in Hive Pets3 years ago

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All the pics are too good.

Felicia looks like a cuddly toy, she is so cute 🤗

I bet she can and would, she looks so sweet LOL

Awww .... so many cute fur balls you have there. Beautiful.

They are gorgeous!! I love It!

Que hermosos animalitos, y que maravilloso que sigan existiendo personas que protejan y valoren a nuestros hermanitos los animales. Abrazando a la naturaleza y a nuestra majestuosa madre tierra!

You take care of nice animals as well as wild ones.

Shelter for animals has an important role to play in our overly urban society.

They are adorable! There are many abandoned animals here where I live. We do what we can so they have access to fresh food and clean water.

Awwww sooooo adorable. I loved all the photos and videos but my favorite one is the video of Felicia when she yawns! OMG the cuteness overload! ❤️

they are so cute <3

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment