Love comes when we least expect it and in different ways. Hello my dear friends of Hive Pet, today I want to share with you one of the experiences that moved me the most this year.
Last year I lost my kitty, he was my son and it was something I didn't recover from easily. As his loss was so traumatic for me, I didn't want to have another kitten soon. But life didn't agree with that. On August 12, I went out with my partner to run some errands and when I returned home, I noticed some flowers near a fruit store and when I looked down, it turned out that there was an abandoned baby kitten. It was wet because it had rained a lot that day and it was so small and thin that I thought it was not alive. My partner and I hesitated for a while, because we were not ready to adopt again, but it was impossible to leave him there, so I picked him up and when I saw that he was alive, I started to cry 😭 and we took him home. All the way home, I only cried thinking about how much I had suffered, how cold I was and how hungry I had been. It is so painful to know that many kittens live this after being abandoned....
El amor llega cuando menos lo esperamos y de distintas maneras. Hola mis queridos amigos de Hive Pet, hoy les quiero compartir una de las experiencias que mas emociones me movieron este año.
El año pasado perdi a mi gatico, el era mi hijo y fue algo de lo que no me recupere facilmente. Como su perdida fue tan traumatica para mi, no queria tener otro gatico pronto. Pero la vida no estuvo de acuerdo con eso. El 12 de Agosto, sali con mi pareja a hacer unas diligencias y al regresar a casa, mi mirada se fijo en unas flores que estaban cerca de una fruteria y al mirar mas abajo, resulta que habia un gatico bebé abandonado. Estaba mojado porque ese dia habia llovido mucho y estaba tan pequeño y delgado que creí que no estaba vivo. Mi pareja y yo lo dudamos un rato, porque no estabamos listos para adoptar nuevamente, pero era imposible que lo dejaramos ahi, asi que lo levante y cuando vi que estaba vivo, me puse a llorar 😭 y lo llevamos a casa.Durante todo el camino a casa, solo lloraba pensando en lo mucho que habia sufrido, el frio que tenia y el hambre que habia pasado. Es tan doloro saber que muchos gatitos viven esto tras ser abandonados...
It was very dirty and wet, and had some fleas. I cleaned it and put it on top of Charlotte to keep her warm, but it was a mistake because then she thought I was her mom and wouldn't leave her alone hahahaha, which Charlotte didn't like and ran away.
Estaba muy sucio y mojado, y tenia algunas pulgas. Lo limpie y lo puse arriba de Charlotte para que le diera calor, pero fue un error porque luego pensaba que era su mamá y no la dejaba en paz jajajaja, cosa que a Charlotte no le gusto y se fue corriendo.
From the first moment he behaved very well, he was very affectionate and adapted quickly. The only thing I had a hard time teaching him was to eat, because when I fed him he thought that instead of giving him food, I was taking it away from him, so he got upset and scratched me. But after a few days he stopped doing it.
Desde el primer momento se comportó muy bien, era muy cariñoso y se adaptó rápido. Lo unico que me costo enseñarle fue a comer, porque cuando lo alimentaba creia que en lugar de darle, se lo estaba quitando, entonces se molestaba y me arañaba. Pero después de unos días ya lo habia dejado de hacer.
As the days went by, something happened that, nowadays, makes us laugh a lot, and that is that we thought it was a girl. He was so tiny that we thought he was a female, depending on his sexual organ. And it stayed as a female until 3 weeks ago, hahahaha. I put a collar on her and we called her Mini. Mini from day 1 slept with us and completely stole our hearts.
Mientras pasaban los dias ocurrio algo que, actualmente nos da mucha risa, y es que creiamos que era una niña. Y es que estaba tan pequeñito que segun como estaba su organo sexual, pensabamos que era hembra. Y como hembra se quedo hasta hace 3 semanas jajajaja. Le coloque un collar y la llamamos Mini. Mini desde el día 1 dormia con nosotros y se robo completamente nuestro corazón.

It has been two months since she came home and the vet says she is 3 months old. Since about 3 weeks ago, as I said in the previous text, we realized that it was not a girl but a boy hahaha, and as he quickly learned that his name was "Mini" so now we call him "Minu" and he responds perfectly well to his name. He is such an intelligent, loving, obedient and playful kitty. We love him very much and thank him for waiting for us in that place to fill our lives with a new love.
Ya han pasado dos meses desde que llego a casa y la veterinaria dice que tiene 3 meses de edad. Desde hace unas 3 semanas, como dije en el texto anterior, nos dimos cuenta que no era niña sino niño jajaja, y como aprendio rapidamente que su nombre era "Mini" entonces ahora le llamamos "Minu" y responde perfectamente bien a su nombre. Es un gatico tan inteligente, amoroso, obediente y jugueton. Lo amamos muchisimo y le agradecemos que nos haya esperado en ese lugar para llenar nuestras vidas con un nuevo amor.

He is a beautiful boy😻 and I am happy to continue to watch him grow. Life definitely works in mysterious ways and his eyes bring me the peace my soul needs after losing Ghost. Before I say goodbye I want to emphasize how important it is to give the kittens all the love, care and attention they deserve and that if we have the opportunity to adopt or rescue one from the street, let's do it, because they will thank us all their lives with lots and lots of love.
Es un niño precioso 😻y estoy feliz de continuar viendolo crecer. Definitavemente la vida actua de formas misteriosas y sus ojos me traen la paz que mi alma necesita luego de haber perdido a Ghost. Antes de despedirme quiero resaltar cuan importante es darle a los gatitos todo el amor, cuidado y atención que merecen y que si tenemos la oportunidad de adoptar o de rescatar alguno de la calle, hagamoslo, porque nos lo van agradecer durante toda su vida con mucho, mucho amor.
Thank you very much for coming here and for reading me. I hope you enjoyed meeting my Minu, soon I will be uploading more content about our new life together. Kisses and hugs with the best vibes.
Muchas gracias por llegar hasta aquí y por leerme. Espero que les haya gustado conocer a mi Minu, pronto estaré subiendo más contenido sobre nuestra nueva vida juntos. Besos y abrazos con la mejor vibra.
Pero que post mas bonito. Me hace pensar en otro gatito que un día adopté mientras iba trotando en una avenida. Lo vi en una quebrada solito y no me pude resistir en adoptarlo. Simplemente no podía dejarlo ahí, así que lo adopté. Al final se convirtió en una gatita y aunque ya murió de viejita siempre la recordaré con mucho cariño.
Ete gatito tuyo es precioso, las fotos son encantadorasby se ve que es un amor. Cuidalo mucho y enseñele bien para que no haga muchos desastres en casa. Como es macho mas adelante podrías pensar en esterilizarlo para que no salga a la calle a buscar peligros...
Saluditos, cuide mucho a Minu.
Gracias, Gabo. Me da gusto que te haya gustado el post y que hayas recordado a tu gatita. Estos seres son maravillosos y aunque no esten fisicamente, lo continuan estando en nuestra esencia, porque no dudo ni un segundo que nos cambian, que nos hacen crecer y que nos llenan tanto de ellos mismos, que terminan siendo parte de nosotros.
Ahora, lo que me comentas de la esterilización, ya lo hemos planificado para diciembre, hay que esperar que los testiculos terminen de descender para prepararnos para eso. Muchas gracias por tu comentario y por tu cariño. Besos.
Lovely, you are incredible soul and human being, well done you.
Believe me or not but pets that were rescued they do know that you helped them,they truly do and they do appreciate it. Minu will be your best friend for life, he will treat you special he knows you more likely saved his life.....and by the way i think its your old kitten that comeback to you as cats have many him carefully and you will see thats him....
We also rescued the kitten couple years ago, it was abot a year after i lost my super best friend cat and guess what, now he acts exact the same way old cat was, i talked to her the name of the old cat (even she has a new name) and she does react,what a increadible thing....who would think that and i do see the old cat in her.....
So yea enjoy your time together, share a lot of love....
Peace and Love!
In Lak'ech!
You made me cry with your comment.... Minu's look is the same beautiful look of my previous kitten and it's awesome that you tell me these things because I have felt it, I have felt that it is him, but I'm still not convinced. They have similar things, but their behavior is different in several things. But my heart feels that he is here. Thank you for your words and for filling me with so much love. I am glad that you also shared with me the experience you had with your other cat and with the one you have now, it is beautiful how these beings accompany us and love us. Kisses and hugs for you.
Im glad i could help you a bit....and your comment is appreciated......Do not look for proof...its him....your heart is telling you that and you should listen......Minu had to go through some long journey before he found you - cos i think it him that found you, not you that found him :) ) so he has changed a bit but it probably in positive way, he has more experience under his belt......
So go with the flow...listen to your heart and love him.....
Peace and Love!
In Lak'ech!
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