[ENG/ESP] My pets - Mis mascotas

in Hive Pets4 years ago

Two years ago "Rosita" came into our lives, that's the name of our morrocoy, she is a little bit restless and very fast, she loves to be where there are people, she is the smallest of all.

Hace dos años llegó a nuestras vidas "Rosita", así se llama nuestra morrocoy, es un poco inquieta y muy rápida, le encanta estar donde hay gente, es la más pequeña de todas.


My grandmother has been a lifelong Morrocoy fan, but as far as I'm concerned, I only like Rosita.

Mi abuela ha sido fan de toda la vida de Morrocoy, pero en lo que a mí respecta, sólo me gusta Rosita.


But I have realized that animals are special, they will always be with you, no matter if they are dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, morrocoy, they will always be there and you feel their affection and loyalty.

Pero me he dado cuenta de que los animales son especiales, siempre estarán contigo, no importa si son perros, gatos, conejos, caballos, morrocoy, siempre estarán ahí y sentirás su cariño y lealtad.

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Now I want to tell you about "Lisandro", that's the name of our rabbit, about two months ago he arrived at home and brought a lot of joy, he is always after people, he behaves like a dog, he is playful and gluttonous, he loves to eat.

Ahora quiero hablarles de "Lisandro", así se llama nuestro conejo, hace unos dos meses llegó a casa y trajo mucha alegría, siempre está detrás de las personas, se comporta como un perro, es juguetón y glotón, le encanta comer.


Lisandro is a very lovable pet, in fact he is my cousin's best friend, with whom he even sleeps from time to time.

Lisandro es una mascota muy adorable, de hecho es el mejor amigo de mi prima, con la que incluso duerme de vez en cuando.

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Although he is no longer with us, I will always remember him as my brother's best friend, I think my brother would have given his life for that horse, he cared for him like no one else. He always loved him unconditionally, even though he knocked him down more than once, but it was his dream and they had a very special bond.

Aunque ya no está con nosotros, siempre lo recordaré como el mejor amigo de mi hermano, creo que mi hermano hubiera dado su vida por ese caballo, lo cuidaba como nadie. Siempre lo quiso incondicionalmente, aunque lo tumbó más de una vez, pero era su sueño y tenían un vínculo muy especial.

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Today I wanted to share with you the beauty of my animals, although one of them is gone, we always remember him in a very special way, I hope you liked it.

Hoy quería compartir con vosotros la belleza de mis animales, aunque uno de ellos ya no está, siempre lo recordamos de una manera muy especial, espero que os haya gustado.

(All photos are mine.)