My kittens brought by the stork |🐈| Mis gatitos que trajo la cigüeña

in Hive Pets3 months ago


Hi friends of this community who exude love for pets. After several weeks of suffering in our family, for the loss of our cat Candy 😹; on a July morning, my children wake me up early, to tell me that 3 kittens, a few months old, appeared at the entrance of the house.

We didn't know who could have brought them, but it seemed like a story, like the one that in childhood many of us have heard: children coming to life brought by a stork. Only in this case, the children were three hungry and frightened mouse-gray cats.

Hola amigos de esta comunidad que destilan amor por las mascotas. Tras varias semanas de sufrimiento en nuestra familia, por la pérdida de nuestro gato Candy 😹; en una mañana del mes de julio, mis hijos me despiertan temprano, para decirme que aparecieron 3 gaticos, de pocos meses de nacidos en la entrada de la casa.

No supimos quién pudo traerlos, pero parecía una historia, igual a la que en la infancia muchos hemos escuchado: niños que llegaron a la vida traídos por una cigüeña. Solo que en este caso, los niños eran tres hambrientos y asustadizos gatos de color gris ratón.


After the loss of a pet, one goes through a period of mourning, where one does not want to welcome another new animal. But seeing these 3 tiny felines crying out for food, a roof over their heads and in total distress, touches the sensibility of any mortal who loves animals.

So we prepared a porridge with chicken broth and they devoured it in a few seconds, as you can see in this photo. It was in this garage, where we decided to give them their first welcome.

They were reactive and fearful in front of us. Nobody could know their history and the reasons for the separation from their mother. Their looks reflected sadness and lack of love ❤️.

Tras la pérdida de una mascota, uno pasa por un período de duelo, donde no quiere volver a darle bienvenida a otro nuevo animalito. Pero ver a estos 3 felinos pequeñitos clamando por comida, un techo, y en total desamparo, hace tocar la sensibilidad de cualquier mortal que gusta de los animales.

Así que le preparamos una papilla con caldo de pollo y se la devoraron a los pocos segundos, como pueden apreciar en esta foto. Fue en este garaje, donde decidimos darle su primera acogida.

Se mostraban reactivos y temerosos ante nosotros. Nadie podía conocer su historia y los motivos de la separación de su madre. Sus miradas reflejaban tristeza y falta de amor ❤️.

As the days went by, they began to empathize with our family, and we gave them entrance to the inside of the house. There they had to deal with Pantera, my old black cat.

For these three outsiders, being in a house was like exploring something new in their lives, full of spaces and objects unknown to their senses, and with bipedal beings strange to them.

There are no corners, objects, or actions of ours that they do not want to know, no chairs to scrape with their nails or bite with their sharp little teeth.

Con el paso de los días, ya fueron reflejando empatía con nuestra familia, y le dimos entrada al interior de la casa. Ahí tenían que lidiar con Pantera, mi gata anciana de color negro.

Para estos tres forasteros, el estar en una vivienda, era como explorar algo nuevo en sus vidas, lleno de espacios y objetos desconocidos a sus sentidos, y junto a seres bípedos extraños a ellos.

No hay rincones, objetos, ni acciones nuestras que no quieran conocer, ni sillas para raspar con sus uñas o morder con sus dientecitos afilados.


Those who have cats, know all the havoc they can cause, but even so, the love they share, their purring, and the kneading they do with their front paws, make us the happiest day.

As I said in this other post, they have their worldwide celebration date, so on August 8, I dedicated some letters to them.

What name did we give them?

Knowing that these three little brothers 😻, were composed of two females and one male, they earned their names in their new home with residence in Havana.
They love each other very much, they play with each other, and often one bathes the other with its rough little tongue, which to the touch, is like a toothbrush.

I present them to you in this photo below. The one in the center is Puntico, above Prudencia and below Rayita.

Between their feeding and playing time, they need to sleep in order to grow and be balanced in their physical and mental health. They also like to hunt, and sometimes they bring us as a trophy, some lizard 🦎 that could not escape their claws.

Los que tienen gatos, saben todos los estragos que ellos pueden causar, pero aun así, el amor que comparten, su ronroneo, y el amasamiento que hacen con sus patas delanteras, nos hacen el día más feliz.

Como dije en este otro post, ellos tienen su fecha de celebración a nivel mundial, así que el 8 de agosto, les dediqué unas letras.

¿Qué nombre le pusimos?

Al saber que estos tres hermanitos 😻, estaban integrados por dos hembras y un macho, se ganaron sus nombres en su nuevo domicilio con residencia en La Habana.
Se quieren mucho, juegan entre ellos, y con frecuencia uno baña al otro, con su lenguita áspera, que al tacto, es como un cepillito de dientes.

Se los presento en esta foto inferior. El del centro es Puntico, arriba Prudencia y abajo Rayita.

Entre sus instantes de alimentación y juegos, ellos necesitan dormir para poder crecer y estar equilibrados en su salud física y mental. También les gusta cazar, y a veces nos traen como trofeo, alguna lagartija 🦎 que no pudo escapar a sus garras.




Friends, we are already in December, and my three kittens are getting older. We took Rayita and Prudencia to be sterilized a month ago, because we don't want Puntico, who is a sexy and very noble male ❤️, to forget that they are his little sisters, with the daily blooming of his hormones.

Thanks to those who read me, you will soon hear from my kittens.

Amigos, ya estamos en diciembre, y mis tres gaticos van creciendo. Llevamos a esterilizar a Rayita y a Prudencia hace un mes, porque no deseamos que Puntico, que es un macho sexy y muy noble ❤️, se olvide que son sus hermanitas, con el florecimiento diario de sus hormonas.

Gracias a los que me leyeron. Pronto sabrán de mis gatitos.

Own photos. Text divider. Free use from @eve66

Text by Andrés Brunet

LinkedIn cover.jpg


Thank you for reading/Gracias por leer
Welcome your comments/Bienvenidos sus comentarios
Infinite greetings!/¡Saludos infinitos!


soo cute and adorable

That is right. Thank you

You are welcome!

You are welcome!

Wow, I was really touched to hear that, I was also very entertained when I enjoyed the story of the lost cat, ❤️

Hi. It's good to know that you enjoyed learning about the history of my pets. They are adorable. Thanks

It's amazing, the cats are so cute 🥰

jeje son bellos!

hehe so cute!

Bellos, curiosos, intrépidos y amorosos. Gracias

It is difficult to lose a cat, it is part of us, it is our family, but there will always be other cats that look for us, they want to be part of us, that is the beauty of animals. Greetings !

!discovery 35

In agreement with your words. It always hurts to lose a loved one, it is part of life and we move through times of pain and happiness. But there will always be pets open to share their love with sensitive humans to open their arms to you. Thank you for writing. Regards

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