Mi vida se ha dedicado al estudio de las mentes criminales más peligrosas de Cuba, supongo que este caso no va a ser un reto para mí. Fueron muchas noches de insomnio, pero logré encontrar su escondite, junto a mi equipo montamos una redada y capturamos al ruin asesino. Al esposarlo me dice apretándome la mano y me dice: te arrebataré a todas las personas que quieres una por una. Es transferido a una de las cárceles más rigurosas de la ciudad, tenía muchos contactos dentro y fuera de la cárcel, era cuestión de tiempo que se escapara. Todo se mantiene tranquilo durante largos meses, y me conceden un caso fuera del país, me veo obligado a dejar a mi familia y partir de inmediato. En la cárcel todos estaban esperando a la señal del asesino para escapar, la noche cae y una pequeña revisión rutinaria se convierte en un motín y la cárcel es incendiada y él termina escapando. Su amenaza ahora empezaba a tomar sentido, ya tenía planeado escapar para vengarse de mí, a mi celular llega un video de mi familia amarrada, el asesino los tenía en el sótano de un edificio abandonado, que si quería volverlos a ver tenía que ir a su encuentro, solo y desarmado. Sin pensarlo tomo el primer avión y me presento al intercambio, me pegan una pistola en la nuca, y me atan en una silla de frente a mi mujer e hijos mientras los torturan; primero comenzaron con los niños, empezaron a desmembrarlos, mi esposa no paraba de dar gritos, fui obligado a ver como drenaban a mis hijos en un cubo y los tiraban en el suelo, por último mi mujer, la obligaron a beber la sangre de nuestros hijos y la degollaron sin remordimiento alguno. Cuando creo que todo había acabado me llena de gasolina junto al edificio, mis gritos se oían a metros de distancia, no sé cómo lo logré, pero pude sobrevivir al incendio, aunque mi cara quedó completamente desfigurada e irreconocible, ahí afloró en mí una sed de venganza, la cual iba a saciar. CONTINUARÁ…
My life has been dedicated to the study of the most dangerous criminal minds in Cuba, I suppose this case is not going to be a challenge for me. There were many sleepless nights, but I managed to find his hiding place, together with my team we mounted a raid and captured the dastardly murderer. When he handcuffed him, he squeezed my hand and told me: I will take all the people you love away from you one by one. He is transferred to one of the most rigorous prisons in the city, he had many contacts inside and outside of prison, it was a matter of time before he escaped. Everything remains quiet for long months, and I am granted a case outside the country, I am forced to leave my family and leave immediately. In the prison everyone was waiting for the killer's signal to escape, night falls and a small routine search turns into a riot and the prison is burned down and he ends up escaping. His threat was now beginning to make sense, he had already planned to escape to take revenge on me, a video of my family tied up comes to my cell phone. The murderer had them in the basement of an abandoned building. If I wanted to see them again, I had to go meet them, alone and unarmed. Without thinking I take the first plane and show up for the exchange, they stick a gun on the back of my head, and they tie me in a chair facing my wife and children while they torture them; First they started with the children, they started to dismember them, my wife couldn't stop screaming, I was forced to watch howThey drained my children in a bucket and threw them on the ground, lastly my wife, they forced her to drink the blood of our children and slit her throat without any remorse. When I think everything was over he filled me with gasoline next to the building, my screams could be heard meters away, I don't know how I managed it, but I was able to survive the fire, although my face was completely disfigured and unrecognizable, there a thirst emerged in me of revenge, which was going to satisfy. TO BE CONTINUE…
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Dolor y venganza, remojadas en mucha sangre. Espantoso.