Pumpkin pie 🎃 story Esp-Eng

in Spooky Zone16 hours ago



Pumpkins were not really one of my favourites, but I remember that on halloween day, while I was walking through the village, that bright, huge, orange pumpkin caught my attention.

That old saleswoman, who looked or maybe dressed like a witch, was promoting her pumpkins as the best, so I went to buy one of these, as I had a craving to bake a delicious cake.

While I was shopping, the pumpkin seller looked at me and said in her hoarse, high-pitched voice, "That pie is sure to be delicious, my pumpkins are the best in my vegetable garden", and as she said it, she let out a few chilling guffaws, perhaps as part of the witches' day.

I took my pumpkin and hurried out of the place, it was creepy to remember the look of that old saleswoman and it was strange for me to have bought that huge pumpkin, which I really wanted that very day.

When I got home I started to prepare the cake and for this I cut the pumpkin, mixed all the ingredients and ready to bake, the smell was spreading all over the house and I was dying to try it.

The clock chimed and my cake was ready, I took it out of the oven and I served myself a huge piece of it, its colour was so bright orange, my mouth was watering just looking at it.

As I ate I began to feel sick, my skin colour began to change to orange, my eyes sprouted and my teeth sprouted, my arms and legs turned green and stretched out like leafy stalks.

I was panicking as I looked in the mirror, my fire-coloured eyes lit up, it wasn't me, I had turned into an evil pumpkin, I knew there was something mysterious about that saleswoman.

At midnight I left the house and I wasn't exactly going to ask for sweets, I was going to look for the main fertilizer of that vegetable garden, the soul of every child I would find along the way.

Now I was no longer a human being, that night I had become a creepy and evil pumpkin, who would have to sow and harvest the new pumpkins from that old witch's garden.


Pastel de calabaza 🎃

La verdad la calabaza no era de mis favoritas, pero recuerdo que ese día de halloween, mientras caminaba por el pueblo, aquella brillante, enorme y naranja calabaza llamo mucho mí atención.

Aquella vieja vendedora con aspecto o quizás disfraz de bruja, promocionaba sus calabazas como las mejores, así que fui a comprar una de estas, ya que se me había antojado hornear un delicioso pastel.

Mientras compraba, la vendedora de calabazas me miraba y sin más me dijo con su voz ronca y aguda -ese pastel de seguro quedará delicioso, mis calabazas son lo mejor de mi huerta de hortalizas- y mientras lo decía soltaba unas escalofriantes carcagadas quizás como parte del día de brujas.

Tome mi calabaza y me apresuré a salir del lugar, era espeluznante recordar la mirada de esa vieja vendedora y era extraño para mí haber comprado esa enorme calabaza, que la verdad me apetecía ese preciso día.

Al llegar a casa me dispuse a preparar el pastel y para esto corte la calabaza, mezcle todos los ingredientes y listo directo al horno, el olor se esparcía por toda la casa y yo moría de ganas de probar.

El reloj sonó y mi pastel ya estaba listo, lo saqué del horno y me serví al instante un enorme pedazo su color era tan naranja brillante, que se me hacía agua la boca solo de mirarlo.

Mientras comía comencé a sentirme mal, el color de mi piel comenzaba a cambiar a naranja, mis ojos se brotaban al igual que mis dientes, mis brazos y piernas se tornaba color verde y se estiraban como tallos con hojas.

Estaba en pánico al verme al espejo, mis ojos color fuego iluminados, no era yo me había convertido en una maligna calabaza, sabía que algo misterioso tenía aquella vendedora.

A media noche salí de casa y no iba precisamente a pedir dulces, iba a buscar el abono principal de aquella huerta, el alma de cada niño y niña que encontrará en el camino.

Ahora ya no era un ser humano, esa noche me habia convertido en una escalofriante y maligna calabaza, quien tendría que sembrar y cosechar las nuevas calabazas de la huerta de aquella vieja bruja.

Story of my authorship, I do not allow the reproduction or modification of the text.
