Behind the big doors 👹 (EN-ES)

in Spooky Zone7 days ago

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I don't usually remember the descent down the stairs, I simply appear on the other side.

The dark, damp streets, with a light that you don't know where it comes from, because there is no moon there.

You only see reflections on the wet cobblestones, from something that probably isn't even water.

I walk in a strange feeling of being watched, even though I don't see anyone around me, but I know I'm being watched, I feel the stares behind me.

It's not the first time I've been here, on several occasions I've had to go down, the reason is inexplicable, because, although I don't want to do it, something takes me. It is not something evil but someone who guides me because I have to be there to see something or someone.

So the sight of abandoned houses, gloomy, without doors, without windows, destroyed, as if a tornado had passed by, is already familiar to me, that's why I'm not afraid.

Besides, I know that the one who takes me there protects me and will take me away from there if my life is in grave danger.

Have I been in danger? Yes, I have been, through attacks by dark, faceless, demonic spirits. But I have managed to get out, sometimes with after-effects.

My guide tells me where to go, not in words, but I know where I must go, where I must walk. This time is different from the rest, no one stalks me on my way.

Suddenly I found myself in caverns with narrow passages, the walls rushed at me, the dark damp bricks moved.

A great labyrinth I wandered in that place, but I found myself happily accompanied in such a gloomy atmosphere.

Two tall and very thin white beings, one in front of me and the other behind me, created a kind of protective shield.

At that moment I wondered if, having already descended to the underworld so many times, such protection was so necessary. Where I was going... Where they were taking me... What was I to see in the darkness... What was I to see?

Endless paths through those hellish places, even though I was safe, I felt the vibration of darkness and terror. The place was barely illuminated from time to time by a torch.

Soon I began to see, inside the labyrinth, doors. Big doors, all the way to the ceiling of the place, which by the way were very high.

I walked around and thought that it was like a kind of prison, a prison of the darkest souls on earth.

The beings in white didn't speak, but I could hear them, they were sending me messages. I knew things, but I didn't know where that information was coming from. It was them.

The doors were black wood, with huge iron fittings, and locks, bolts and padlocks everywhere. Who was in there I wondered all the way around.

Until finally we stopped in front of one of the doors, it seemed to me more enormous than the others. Was there any need for it to be so tall? To look at its height I had to bend my neck as if I were looking at the sky.

Without touching anything, the doors opened softly, I was in the middle of the two beings of light. It was very rare to see beings of light in that place.

Before me I could see a large room taller than it was wide and something inside.


That something looked like some kind of animal, a beast or monster, mixed with human traces, but the humanity was almost gone. It had very large shackles, chains holding it down.

He was nervous, pacing back and forth in the small enclosure. He was tall, too tall, I reckoned he was over four metres or maybe five.

He did not see me, he was only absorbed in his apparent thoughts, but his face showed anger, hatred, revenge, fury and a lot of malice.

The beings of light never left me, they protected me.

When that demon with human traces stood for a moment in stillness, I could see something familiar in his face. Something that terrified me as a child, something that always was and always will be with me.

I firmly believe, because I have seen it, that in this place are the souls of humans when they sleep, of demonic, evil and dark humans, I don't know whether to call that soul anymore.

Those eyes, that smile... it was familiar, I had seen it before, but in its human face. The blood told me who he was, but I was safe, I had no need to fear.

He never knew I was there, but I saw inside of him.


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version español en blanco.png

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El descenso por las escaleras no suelo recordarlo, simplemente aparezco del otro lado.

Las calles sombrías, húmedas, con una iluminación que no se sabe de dónde viene, porque allí no hay luna.

Sólo se ven reflejos sobre los adoquines mojados, por algo que probablemente ni si siquiera sea agua.

Camino en una extraña sensación de estar vigilada, aunque no vea a nadie a mi alrededor, pero sé que me ven, siento las miradas detrás de mí.

No es la primera vez que estoy aquí, en varias oportunidades he tenido que bajar, la razón es inexplicable, porque, aunque no quiera hacerlo algo me lleva. No es algo maligno sino alguien que me guía porque debo estar ahí para ver alguna cosa o a alguien.

Por lo que la vista de casas abandonadas, lúgubres, sin puertas, sin ventanas, destruidas, como si hubiera pasado por allí un tornado ya me es familiar, por eso no tengo miedo.

Además, sé que quien me lleva me protege y me quitará de allí si mi vida corriera grave peligro.

¿He estado en peligro? Sí, lo he estado, mediante ataques de espíritus oscuros, sin rostro y demoníacos. Pero he logrado salir, a veces con secuelas.

Mi guía me dice donde ir, no con palabras, sino que sé donde debo ir, por donde debo caminar. Esta vez es diferente al resto, nadie me acecho en mi camino.

De pronto me encontré en unas cavernas con unos pasadizos estrechos, las paredes se abalanzaban sobre mí, los ladrillos húmedos y oscuros se movían.

Un gran laberinto recorrí en aquel lugar, pero me encontré felizmente acompañada entre tanto ambiente tenebroso.

Dos seres altos y muy delgados de color blanco, uno delante y otro detrás de mí, creaban una especie de escudo protector.

En ese momento me pregunté si, habiendo ya descendido al inframundo tantas veces, esa protección era tan necesaria. A donde me dirigía… A donde me llevaban… Que debía ver entre las tinieblas.

Caminos sin fin por esos lugares infernales, a pesar de estar a salvo se sentía la vibración de oscuridad y terror. A penas estaba el lugar iluminado de vez en cuando por alguna antorcha.

Pronto comencé a ver, dentro del laberinto, puertas. Grandes puertas, hasta el techo del lugar, que por cierto eran muy altos.

Caminaba y pensaba que eso era como una especie de prisión, una prisión de las almas más oscuras sobre la tierra.

Los seres de blanco no hablaban, pero podía oírlos, me hacían llegar mensajes. Sabía cosas, pero no sabía de donde llegaba esa información. Eran ellos.

Las puertas eran de madera negra, con herrajes enormes, y trabas, cerrojos y candados por todas partes. Quienes estaban ahí dentro me pregunté por todo el recorrido.

Hasta que finalmente nos detuvimos frente a una de las puertas, me pareció más enorme que las demás. ¿Había necesidad de que fuera tan alta? Para mirar su altura debía doblar el cuello como si mirara al cielo.

Sin tocar nada, las puertas se abrieron suavemente, yo estaba en medio de los dos seres de luz. Era muy raro ver seres de luz en ese lugar.

Ante mi pude ver una gran habitación más alta que ancha y algo ahí dentro.


Ese algo parecía una especie de animal, una fiera o monstruo, mezclado con rastros humanos, pero la humanidad casi estaba desvanecida. Tenía grilletes muy grandes, cadenas lo sujetaban.

Estaba nervioso, caminaba de un lado al otro en el recinto pequeño. Era alto, demasiado, calculé que mediría más de cuatro metros o quizá cinco.

No me veía, solamente esta ensimismado en sus aparentes pensamientos, pero su rostro denotaba ira, odio, venganza, furia y mucha maldad.

Los seres de luz nunca se apartaron de mí, me protegían.

Cuando ese demonio con rastros humanos se quedó un momento en quietud, pude ver algo familiar en su rostro. Algo que me causaba terror de niña, algo que siempre estuvo y estará conmigo.

Creo firmemente, porque lo he visto, que en este lugar están las almas de los humanos cuando estos duermen, de los humanos demoníacos, maléficos y oscuros, ya no se si llamar a eso alma.

Esos ojos, esa sonrisa… era familiar, la había visto antes, pero en su faz humana. La sangre me dijo quién era, pero estaba a salvo, no debía temer.

Él jamás supo que estuve allí, pero yo sí vi su interior.


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The story is entirely my own - El relato es totalmente de mi autoría
Designs made in Photoshop CS6 - Diseños realizado en Photoshop CS6
Separators created by me in Photoshop - Separadores creados por mí en Photoshop
Animation in After Effect - Animación en After Effect
Used translator free version - Traductor utilizado versión gratuita

Links to images used - Enlaces de imágenes usadas
Video smoke - Video humo
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Music Unlimited de Pixabay

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▶️ 3Speak

 7 days ago  

Sometimes the devil is by our side, but there are also those beings of light that protect us so that he cannot harm us.

One sees a dead end when living with the demon, without those beings that protect us I think we would be lost or it would be more difficult to take care of us 💔

The day I saw that... it was some years ago, I could see where he is .... they have him locked up, for a reason he is... terrible! Thanks Yami!💗

Great story and video with a suspenseful atmosphere. 👻

Thank you so much!!!💗💗💗

Great design and this time, I think better text. it was great that trip through the door, the details of the trip, the climate of the story. I liked it very much.

Gracias Amonet.

Some journeys are real and you see many details that you will not forget... Thank you very much @enraizar

See you tomorrow 👋, I'm going to sleep 😴 , maybe a door will open 🚪, who knows. Good night @avdesing. 🤗

Tranqui, se que puerta no debo abrir jajaja buenas noches!!!

Excelente relato y el diseño perturbador, pero muy bueno. 😟 ¡Qué susto! 😁

No te imaginas, cuando lo viví.... más susto! Gracias Nani!😃


When I read that it was something familiar was that I was really paralyzed with terror.... At the same time I understand why not to fear so much, but it's creepy nonetheless.

Reading this story with this music in the background is quite an experience for brave hahaha, but at the same time it is example of great quality for this community. Thank you so much for giving your best and gracing our Hive Avernus.

Cuando leí que era algo familiar fue que realmente me paralicé del terror... Al mismo tiempo entiendo por qué no temer tanto, pero es escalofriante de todas maneras.

Leer esta historia con esta música de fondo es toda una experiencia para valientes hahaha, pero a la vez es ejemplo de gran calidad para esta comunidad. Muchas gracias por dar lo mejor y engalanar nuestro Averno de Hive.

Fact or fiction, you don't know what was true? I leave you in doubt.

It's easier to tell the story when you've seen it.... and it's creepy!!!

Thank you very much always, it's a pleasure to be in this my home, where... I am the seer!

Realidad o ficción, no sabes que fue verdad? Te dejo la duda.

Relatar es más facil cuando se ha visto.... y es espeluznante!!!

Muchas gracias siempre, es un placer estar en esta mi casa, donde... soy la vidente!

Siendo tú... Creo que es realidad jajajaja...


One travels to many places... but when one sleeps!😃

 5 days ago  

Terrible and terrifying story of my life... I imagine who that demon could be 🙁 the blood... the blood knows but it doesn't mean anything... far away.

Terrible y aterrador relato mi vida... me imagino quien puede ser ese demonio 🙁 la sangre ... la sangre sabe pero no significa nada.. lejitos .

The tip was blood, whoever knows me knows who that monster is! Thank you queen!😃

 5 days ago  

Thank you very much @zonadeescalofrio 😃