Having studied the nature of the spirit levels of reality, how they relate to manifest physical reality and numerous of the related elements, I am much more aware of the details than I once was and I disagree with most people's perception of the reality of the situation. I would need to talk with her directly to understand what exactly she meant.
If a Christian doctor gives someone a drug that heals them and also thinks that demons exist, does that mean that the person wasn't healed?
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Lol at the gullible
Numerous peer reviewed studies confirm HCQ efficacy for COVID19:
Henry Ford Medical Group study shows Hydroxychloroquine, when used appropriately, cut the death rate of #COVID19 patients in half. https://www.henryford.com/news/2020/07/hydro-treatment-study
Yale professor of epidemiology confirms HCQ efficacy for COVID19: https://www.newsweek.com/key-defeating-covid-19-already-exists-we-need-start-using-it-opinion-1519535