Human Rights Abuses By French State As Cops Block Supermarket From Unvaccinated.

in COVID-194 years ago (edited)

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If you ever need an example of soul-less people, look no further than these uniformed policy enforcers in France. Today their 'job' is to prevent people from feeding their families if they have not submitted to experimental invasive medical procedures.

The Nuremberg code, signed after World War 2, expressly forbid coercion when it comes to medical experimentation. Apparently these people have either not understood the gravity of their actions or perhaps they are enclined towards the Nazi end of the spectrum of human depravity and soul loss.
The COVID19 shots are EXPERIMENTAL - why? Because there is no long term safety data and the trials are ongoing until 2023 - they are not approved for safe use. There is no other accurate term for them than 'experimental'.
Forcing people to comply with experimental medical procedures by way of denying the right to food - a universal human right - is wrong in so many ways that words are hard to find for it.
Yet this is apparently what we are seeing in France today in the name of 'safety'!

In case you are unaware, the COVID19 shots are wracking up a significant death toll in their own right, plus they do not prevent transmission of SARS CoV2 - so they can barely be called a medicine of any kind.
How can anyone justify what we see in this video and in other locations in the world? The only possible mental gymnastics that a person can engage in will always be underpinned by half truths, denial and/or pure evil.

Several legal actions are in process around the world currently to expose the extent of the lies being told in the name of global control and a power grab.
If you think this is a joke or I am wrong, I invite you to take a few days off of your 'work' and actually do due dilligence research into the subject. You are welcome to review my posts from the last couple of weeks and ask questions here.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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Very disturbing but it appears they are stopping everyone entering a building. It doesn't appear they are checking papers and only letting in the jabbed.

Do you have a confirmed source for this?

What is really happening is bad enough without engaging in the same scare tactics that the totalitarians engage in.

I don't have a source for it but various sites have shared it, along with translations and other videos from the scene. The actual policy in France isn't 100% clear to me from English news reports. Originally Macron wanted all supermarkets to be for vaccinated only and so there were big protests. He then changed the rules to not require passports for access to buy essentials. It seems that maybe they have changed that rule for big shops and malls:

In France, access to cultural sites welcoming over 50 people is already limited to those with a valid “health pass,” but the bill plans to extend this measure to cafes, hospitals, planes, high-speed trains and some malls.

source: bloomberg

What I’ve heard is in France as in Israel, that very few businesses are enforcing these restrictions and the public is just passively resisting the policy.

There are simply not enough police to enforce rules that a substantial portion of the public find detestable.

You really jumped from the frying pan into the fire going to gulag Australia. Get out while you still can.

I think in France the idea is to intimidate everyone as much as possible with harsh penalties - so there isn't a need to have a million cops. I'd be surprised if these policies last very long - they are only really enforceable in a dystopian nightmare world of social credit, drones and other craziness. I admit that there are plenty of crazies trying to implement such a world, but I would like to think there are enough living hearts to resist that actually manifesting.

I'm back in Sydney now - there's meant to be a big protest tomorrow and 1000 cops drafted in.. In theory I can leave when I want and that may well be pretty soon, yes!

France Australia Israel Canada testing grounds??? .... the people are aware but the train keeps rolling.

These pathological totalitarians underestimate the power of hunger. They're digging their own grave with this.

In essence they are taunting and studying the survival drive - just as they have done in (usually) secret experiments throughout the ages. People need to find it and allow it to take them to safety - any withholding of that which keeps us safe means we are not safe.

It should have been over in 2 weeks.

That's a terrible idea on their part. Hungry desperate people are dangerous. These folks stopping them must have a death wish.

Many, many people have an unconscious death wish but say they don't.

Very short video..😏
What/who is the source of this video @ura-soul ?

It was on an account on twitter that did not identify it's actual source info. I haven't seen it elsewhere yet.

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