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RE: Ex CDC Boss States Fauci Funded Creation of COVID Virus & Covered It Up. What's Being Missed?

in COVID-192 years ago

No, to sway compliance with their demands of government officials who will buck up against them. I think the release of the virus served a multitude of purposes. I don't think when Trump said after his remark, which I was in a hurry and had to go back and refocus my train of thought on his Biden will listen to the scientist remark, that we'd be in a depression if he'd listen to the scientist meant an immediate depression but we were headed for an array of ills financially when it came to social security, medcaid, medicare over the next decade, global economy crashing ills. Though you can't rule out that China's housing market was hanging by a thread during his tenure and how that influenced things economically in reference to any immediate global financial threats and it's impact if it had been allowed to fail. The timing of the release coincided with a lot of upcoming events including the 100 year cycle of the solar minimum that will bring forth extreme weather events to push the climate change narrative. The influence or sway over voters was the need out of safety concerns to initiate the expansion of mail in balloting. I don't think they meant it as a one up event for no excuse balloting because they also put those measures of expansions of no excuse mail in ballots on ballots in 2020, extensions of times people can vote and the extensions allowed for mail in ballots to be returned and counted. The last two years saw them place proposals on ballots that would drive historical record turn out of people who rarely voted to never voted in their lives, like legalizing marijuana and the abortion issue, this put millions of new people on voter rules. Those extensions given to count ballots allows them time to run voter recorders of those who voted and those who didn't, they can than either switch out one for another or use those who didn't vote to counter the count of those who did. It's pretty cleaver when you think about it because people who didn't vote wouldn't go check to see if there vote was ever received. This was actually an accusation made in the last AZ race. When machines that were certified just hours before the race as working broke down the next morning at several locations, the ballots of people affected by it were taken off somewhere to be counted. There was accusations of no chain of command of who handled those ballots and they could have easily been switched out. Ironically the number of ballots needed to win the machines were fixed right before that projected win margin.

With Ohio they have been bucking up against the system pretty heavy the last two years. Introducing and in some cases getting legislation passed on stand your ground laws, banning teaching critical race theory, banning books out of school libraries on lgbtq gender stuff, etc.,