
your meme is just reddit hivemind leftist garbage. You Canadians are just like the French or Australians except you drive the global fucking narrative on sucking the dicks of big pharma and following orders like Nazi concentration camp guards

show me 1 single piece of verifiable blockchain anchored medical evidence about the virus or the fucking jab

even @dan larimer said on Voice he doubts the virus story and explains how it may just be a toxin and thatno lab has ever fucking isolated it..... show me 1 single REAL electron microscope image of this shit bro

you cant

now remember @dan said this shit and he created steem and the system that hive uses, youre literally on it

so go somewhere else if youre that stupid. theres plenty of PRO big pharma covax sites for you to talk on , go there

i hope you die from the shot from side effects i really do. I understand why Trump had to kill you peopel off, you would have killed us down the line, youre like people who give out poison koolaid on a boat, you have to be thrown overboard liek cancer

Wow. Don't even know me and out with the first death wish. Now, who's the one promoting genocide and censorship. Love how you denigrate to just straight name-calling and ill wishes. Keep it up, chump. You are exactly what you don't want to be.