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RE: There is NO Graphene Oxide in the COVID vaccines. Period.

in StemSocial3 years ago

You are proving my point. Congrats!

BTW, Ivermectin is for use by veterinarians as an anti-parasitic in horses, cows and other livestock. Low dose Ivermectin tablets are approved for use in people for the treatment of some parasitic worms (intestinal strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis) and ivermectin topical formulations are approved for humans for head lice... IT'S an ANTI-PARASITIC.

The video is talking about a very, very limited study! Yet people are going to feed stores and buying this. It's dangerous and irresponsible to promote its use before wider studies are done.

Here's a link to the actual study background.

not a link to a posts I wrote amplifying conspiracies.

If you read the study background there are some inconsistencies that point to the validity of the study as well. The study trial has "very low" certainty evidence. So, the findings have considerable uncertainty. I was unable to find published results and data in a journal anywhere - why?. Maybe there is some validity but this study is nowhere near rigorous enough to support widely adopted usage.

There's also this study

Should more studies be done, perhaps

Ivermectin has been shown to inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in cell cultures.13 However, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies suggest that achieving the plasma concentrations necessary for the antiviral efficacy detected in vitro would require administration of doses up to 100-fold higher than those approved for use in humans.

However, the results are in cultures. That means a petri dish and the dosage needed would probably kill you.

And finally a well-written report on the evidence on the treatment of COVID-19 using Ivermectin.

So, props for writing about all the conspiracies it absolutely takes a lot of time and is entertaining as hell. But that's all it really is... entertaining (you should look into Alex Jones' money and all the money the big three are making off of conspiracy sheeple ... I mean theorists.)


BTW, Ivermectin is for use by veterinarians as an anti-parasitic in horses, cows and other livestock.

The fact that you still didn’t hear that there is a human version of Ivermectin speaks about your deep knowledge on the topic…

not a link to a posts I wrote amplifying conspiracies.

I am sending link to my post because in it there are more links which proves what I am talking about. But you go ahead and read only what you THINK it’s true, let’s see where that will lead you.

I literally wrote - "tablets are approved for use in people" - you know, people ergo human.

Low dose Ivermectin tablets are approved for use in people for the treatment of some parasitic worms (intestinal strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis) and ivermectin topical formulations are approved for humans for head lice.

Well, what I read tends to be more rooted in reality and not looking for imagined conspiracies. I scanned through your posts to understand enough. Most conspiracies I could care less about, believe in what you want, find what you want. The ones that can cause harm, such as the Ivermectin as a treatment, COVID is a hoax, or the vaccine contains GO and the multitude of variants on those themes... propagation of those imagined conspiracies, misinformation can harm people, is harming people in so far as actually killing people. That's where I take issue and push back. There is no shortage of conspiracists and misinformation around COVID and Vaccines.

That's not to say you shouldn't have a healthy skepticism. And that's not to say that there are not real conspiracies. I acknowledge that there have been real conspiracies. However, carefully analysing the data without falling into the traits of conspiratorial thinking is important. Critical thinking is a part of avoiding that.

Oh, really? Ivermectin is killing? How many?

Here is a growing number Big Pharma ‘vaccines’ are killing:

Let me help you, since you probably would care less for the ‘conspiracy theories’ from CDC (VAERS base) and EU base EUDRA. Since July they are recording more deaths after vaccination than from the alleged disease itself.

And here is a Lawsuit with an insider witness ready to state under oath that the official number of ‘vaccine’ deaths in the VAERS base should be multiplied by a factor of at least 5:

FFS, you realize that the VAERS database allows the general public to report what they feel are the adverse effects of a vaccine. Each report has to be validated and confirmed. It's not relevant until it's confirmed - they are unverified reports. It's not an accurate representation of anything - lower or higher incidents.

It even calls that outright on the bloody top of the page:

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines. Reports are accepted from anyone and can be submitted electronically at

The FDA does require healthcare providers to report any death after vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. They still have to be investigated. So Far the only causal relationship between the vaccine and deaths is blood clots with low platelets from the J&J vaccine.

Anti-vaxxers have been shilling VAERS argument since the MMR bullshit., long before COVID.

A lawsuit from the American Frontline Doctors - Oh, OK, signed by Jane Doe? Come on, again VAERS is an unconfirmed database. Have you actually looked at the data? Of the 5335 records that I found for 2021 - over 3,000 have comorbidities - unfortunately likely to have passed even if they did not get the vaccine. You can't sue the government on a database that is gathering unverified data and say it's inaccurate.

I think you are referring to these clowns?

COVID deniers drop lawsuit against health department; their $130k legal fund remains

Only one winning here is COVID and the lawyers. One lawsuit was thrown out... we'll see what happens to the rest.

Just to be clear - Correlation does not equal causation!

Of the 5335 records that I found for 2021 - over 3,000 have comorbidities

So, you were searching comorbidities for the reported cases of death after vaccination. And have you tried to find covid comorbidities records?

general public to report what they feel are the adverse effects of a vaccine.

Deaths are not ‘feeling effects’. You can believe whatever you want, but you cant deny reported cases after covid vaccination are larger than reported cases in the last 30 years from all the vaccines COMBINED:

VAERS data-2021-07-27_145459.jpg
Source / Извор:

You don’t have to respond to me, try to respond to your own conscience.

Good luck.


your meme is just reddit hivemind leftist garbage. You Canadians are just like the French or Australians except you drive the global fucking narrative on sucking the dicks of big pharma and following orders like Nazi concentration camp guards

show me 1 single piece of verifiable blockchain anchored medical evidence about the virus or the fucking jab

even @dan larimer said on Voice he doubts the virus story and explains how it may just be a toxin and thatno lab has ever fucking isolated it..... show me 1 single REAL electron microscope image of this shit bro

you cant

now remember @dan said this shit and he created steem and the system that hive uses, youre literally on it

so go somewhere else if youre that stupid. theres plenty of PRO big pharma covax sites for you to talk on , go there

i hope you die from the shot from side effects i really do. I understand why Trump had to kill you peopel off, you would have killed us down the line, youre like people who give out poison koolaid on a boat, you have to be thrown overboard liek cancer

Each report has to be validated and confirmed.

confirmed by what? There is no medical blockchain. Science and medicine are 100% corrupted by centralized buracracy EXACTLY THE SAME AS STEEMIT was corrupted. ITS THE SAME CENTRALIZED SHIT


Flagged for spreading disinfo about the vaccine and lacking any sense of consensus of decentralized medicine

Wow, so obtuse. People need to call and follow up on any of the claims to ensure the validity of the submission. I'm sure it's an easy concept to understand and does not involve a blockchain. Definitely trolling there, or a little slow on the concept.

all lies, no blockchain proof for any of your centralized medical data which is all un provable

sorry but untill you have every LAB on a medical blockchain of chains, all your points are just nonesense .... like quoting from the Nazi Reich governments stats on Jews

You may as well tell us stats from soviet union bro

flagged for spreading propaganda

But... by your own logic...I don't see any of the Ivermectin research on a blockchain I don't see any of the VAERS data showing all the adverse reactions, on the blockchain. I don't see any hydroxychloroquine research, on the blockchain... can you explain how one needs to have things on the blockchain to be valid yet others don't... there's no blockchain proof of any of those treatments or research.