
"Over"-population is not the problem. Over-consumption is the problem. Poor people in Africa having tens of kids don't affect the planet negatively. If the planet's population stops growing above replacement level (~2.1 children per couple), we are financially doomed.

Financially doomed? I can’t say the same.

If the population does not grow above replacement level, that means the average age of the population will get older and older, like in Japan where the average age is now ~48 years old. That means a greater percentage of the population is retired, i.e. does not work. This is economic doom. That's why countries worry a lot about birth deficits.

This makes sense now. Thanks @alexanderalexis for the clarification. It’s good to have you here.

Yes. I think that people are an asset both to themselves and others. I think that the earth can sustain many more people. Maybe 10 times the current population. I think that the hunger and poverty that exists today is not caused by overpopulation and/or lack of resources... but the cause is: central planning, authoritarian governments interfering with voluntary action and trade. If humans are left alone to think and act freely, the world will become a happy, peaceful and abundant place.

People are awesome.

Well, looking at the state of my country Nigeria. I can’t agree with you less. Over population isn’t our problem really. But the people themselves are the problem. The evil nature of men is our problem. So I feel we should deal with the ones we have instead of topping the number without topping their value. My thoughts exactly.