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RE: Conference Participation -- The Considerate Way

in StemSocial3 years ago

I completely agree with you. Furthermore, online conferences are more inclusive: every team member can participate, not only the lucky traveler, and for some low income countries, the reduced cost is very welcome (not considering the VISA constraints). And with the recording of the presentations and the asynchronous questions, one can participate to the discussion from all over the world. Overall I find online conferences a great improvement for science.


Yes I agree! Although I must say I see it as an addition to the existing approaches. The ideal case would be to find a way to organise an inclusive (as you mentioned) well thought of hybrid conference in which people can decide based on all the metrics wether they participate in person or digital.

This sounds ideal to me, but is not that easy to arrange. How would one organise something as simple as a conference dinner for example?

Although there are a lot of challenges with this, I think there has been a shift, at least in the minds of the people, towards opening up the idea of digital conferences. Or more generally, working more digital let's say.

Thanks for dropping by and sharing your thoughts! I highly appreciate it :-)