It is my first post about Trachelomonas and I am very excited because you will be able to see them alive and observe their movements and coloration in the water! In this little experiment, I stored water in a container that had a greenish appearance and that for me was the presence of microorganisms! When observing them under the microscope we come across beautiful microscopic algae that have a very beautiful and colorful appearance! Do you want to learn more about this genre?🧫🔬
Es mi primer post sobre Trachelomonas y estoy muy entusiasmado porque podras verlas vivas y observar sus movimentos y coloracion en el agua! en este pequeño experimento almacene agua en un envase que tenia un aspecto verdoso y eso para mi era presencia de microorganismos! al observarlos en el microscopio nos topamos con hermosas algas microscopicas que tienen un aspecto muy bonito y colorido! quieres aprender mas sobre este genero?🧫🧠👨🏫
They are very common cosmopolitan species of stagnant freshwater, they present different shapes, colors and sizes! Being one of these species the most common in Europe! They do not measure more than 100 microns, making them very small algae and to see the details you need a professional microscope of more than 500x. An interesting aspect that I noticed about the species is that they are grouped in large colonies, they swim on the surface of the water where there is greater solar incidence!🤯🔬
Son especies cosmopolitas muy comunes de agua dulce estancada, presentan diferentes formas, colores y tamaños! siendo una de estas especies la mas comun de europa! no miden mas de 100micras convirtiendolas es algas muy pequeñas y para ver los detalles se necesita un microscopio profesional superior a los 500x un aspecto interesante que note de la especie es que se agrupan en grandes colonias, nadan en la superficie del agua donde hay una mayor incidencia solar!🧠🧫
I am almost sure that it is a Trachelomonas sp but it is difficult to be sure if you are not an expert on the subject and you use a good microscope, however I will follow my instincts and the identification guide! These algae are quite similar to the Euglenas, their only difference is the cover that I mentioned in the "lorica" video, their movement is carried out through the flagellum, which is the "locomotor apparatus".👨🏫👨🎓
estoy casi seguro que se trata de una Trachelomonas sp pero es dificil tener seguridad si no se es experto en el tema y se usa un buen microscopio sin embargo seguire mi instinto y la guia de identificacion! estas algas son bastante parecidas a las Euglenas su unica diferencia es la cubierta que mencionaba en el video "lorica", su movimento se realiza a traves del flagelo que es el "aparato locomotor".👨🎓👨🏫🔬
Here we see the main structures of the Trachelomonas a collar in the form of spines characteristic of this species! also a yellowish color and finally the presence of a stigma, a structure that captures external stimuli such as lights!👨🏫👨🎓
Aqui vemos las estructuras principales de las Trachelomonas un collar en forma de espinas caracteristico de esta especie! ademas un color amarillento y por ultimo la presencia de una estigma una estructura que capta estimulos externos como luces!🧠🧫🔬
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Referencia bibliografica / Source:
The description of the park was taken from the cited page!
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