Hello friends of HIVE and lovers of science! Today I bring you exclusively for our platform a very unusual event that occurs in the world of astronomy! it is about the "Conjugation of planets" this astronomical event is so rare that it will only happen soon in 2040 and so that we have an idea the previous one occurred in 2004 18 years ago! wow!! With a lot of effort and hours of work, I was able to capture each planet individually and through the technique of "overlaying images" something that "NASA" does, I show you each planet with its details, including the moon in its "waning" phase! Let's learn about it event!!!🪐🌌👨💻
Hola amigos de HIVE y amantes de la ciencia! hoy les traigo en exclusiva para nuestra plataforma un evento muy poco comun que ocurre en el mundo de la astronomia! se trata de la "Conjugacion de planetas" este evento astronomico es tan raro que solo ocurrira proximamente en el 2040 y para que tengamos una idea el anterior ocurrio en el 2004 hace 18 años! wuao!! con mucho esfuerzo y horas de trabajo logre captar individualmente cada planeta y por medio de la tecnica de "sobreposicion de imagenes" algo que hace la "NASA" te muestro cada planeta con sus detalles inclusive la luna en su fase "menguante" aprendamos sobre este evento!!!🌒🧠

Why is this event happening???🌌 / Por que ocurre este evento??🌒

It was very difficult for me to know what was the best time to see the event, all the websites said "early morning" but without an hour it was difficult to predict when exactly I could see at least the five planets, so I slept early and I woke up at 3:00 a.m. and from there I photographed until 5:40 a.m. Well, between 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. I could see the moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn! I had field of vision to photograph the "4" let's remember that the moon is a satellite it does not enter among the planets but if it participates in the "alignment" in this photo you can see how the planets looked at 3:00 but venus still did not appear because It is usually the planet that appears "last" so my intention was to photograph all of them together with Venus!👨💻🧠🌌
Me fue muy dificil conocer cual fue la mejor hora para poder ver el evento, todos los sitios web decian "madrugada" pero sin una hora era dificil predecir en que momento exacto podia ver al menos los cinco planetas, por lo que dormi temprano y me desperte a las 3:00am y desde alli fotografie hasta las 5:40am, bien entre las 3:00am y 4:00am podia ver luna, marte, jupiter y saturno! tenia campo de vision para fotografiar los "4" recordemos que la luna es satelite no entra entre los planetas pero si participa en la "alineacion" en esta foto puedes ver como se veian los planetas a las 3:00 pero venus aun no aparecia porque generalmente es el planeta que aparece "de ultimo" asi que mi intencion era fotografiar todos junto con Venus!📷🌒

For all this to be possible I had to use all my tools, from my 40x monocular to my celestron telescope, various types of supports and of course using the computer to overlay the photos and give the details to the planets! Many believe that photographing planets is simply looking for the best photo and it is not! you must use the same technique as when you do macrography! take loads of photos and then put them together! Jupiter doesn't need a long reach tool because it's big! like the moon but giving the details of venus and saturn is something that requires more work!😮😮
Para que todo esto fuera posible tuve que usar todas mis herramientas, desde mi monocular de 40x hasta mi telescopio celestron, varios tipos de soporte y por supuesto usar la computadora para superponer las fotos y dar los detalles a los planetas! muchos creen que fotografiar planetas es simplemente buscar la mejor foto y no es asi!! debes usar la misma tecnica que cuando haces macrofografia! tomar muchisimas fotos y luego juntarlas! Jupiter no necesita una herramienta de largo alcance porque es grande! al igual que la luna pero dar los detalles de venus y saturno es algo que requiere mas trabajo!😲🤯🧠👨💻


Here we see the second planet that is closest to our sun, and we must already imagine that it is very hot because of this fact! astronomers call it "brother planet" because it is similar to earth "structurally" the average temperature of Venus is "463.85" and it was given that name due to the mythological goddess "Venus" after many photos we have an image Clear about what Venus would look like with my telescope! at this point it was already 5:00 am and the sky was already almost clear! Venus is easy to recognize because it can be seen with the naked eye and is very bright!😲🤯🧠🔥
Aqui vemos al segundo planeta que esta mas proximo de nuestro sol, y ya debemos imaginar que es muy caliente por este dato! los astronomos lo llaman "planeta hermano" porque es parecido a la tierra "estructuralmente" la temperatura promedio de Venus es de "463,85" y le fue otorgado ese nombre debido a la diosa mitologica "Venus" luego de muchas fotos tenemos una imagen clara de como se veria venus con mi telescopio! en este punto ya eran las 5:00am y el cielo ya estaba casi claro! Venus es facil reconocerlo porque puede ser visto a simple vista y es muy brillante!🌌🪐🌍

Mars🧠👨💻/ Marte🌌🌒

Mars can still be seen without using a telescope but it is quite small, therefore also difficult to photograph! it is the "fourth closest to our sun" and at the same time the second smallest in our solar system only surpassing "mercury" and that is why I say that it is difficult to photograph! its atmosphere is strange, thin and full of "carbon dioxide" mars has some satellites like jupiter!🌒🧠🌍
Marte aun puede ser visto sin usar telescopio pero es bastante pequeño, por tanto tambien dificil de fotografiar! es el "cuarto mas proximo a nuestro sol" y al mismo tiempo el segundo mas pequeño de nuestro sistema solar solo superando a "mercurio" y es por eso que digo que es dificil de fotografiar! su atmosfera es extraña, fina y llena de "dioxido de carbono" marte tiene algunos satelites como jupiter!🌒🔥🌌


I think it's one of my favorites! it is the "largest planet in our solar system" its name is due to the god "jupiter" also this beautiful planet can be seen without a telescope, when we use the telescope we can see its moons! It is composed of "gas"!😮
Creo que es uno de mis favoritos! es el planeta mas "grande de nuestro sistema solar" su nombre se debe al dios "jupiter" ademas este lindo planeta puede ser visto sin telescopio, cuando usamos el telescopio podemos ver sus lunas! esta compuesto de "gas"!👨💻🧠


Saturn gave me a lot of work because it is the one that is farthest from the sun! is in "sixth position"! and it would be the second also "largest" it is an "outer" planet, that is, those also gaseous, it is the only one that "presents rings"!😨😥🌒
Saturno me dio mucho trabajo porque es el que esta mas alejado del sol! esta en "sexta posicion"! y seria el segundo tambien "mas grande" es un planeta "exterior" osea aquellos tambien gaseosos, es el unico que "presenta anillos"!😬😬


Here we see the moon in its last quarter phase, in this phase we see the moon with less than half illuminated, in my hemisphere (north) it is only seen after 2:00 am😲🌒
Aqui vemos la luna en su fase cuarto menguante, en esta fase vemos la luna con menos de la mitad iluminada, en mi hemisferio (norte) solo es vista luego de las 2:00am 🌒🌒👨💻

Explaining why this astronomical event happens we can say that NASA explains that we will see 7 aligned planets including "neptune and uranus" but they cannot be seen with the naked eye! It is an event that will benefit the people who live in the southern hemisphere because all the planets rise higher! here in the northern hemisphere when they all come together it's almost impossible to photograph them all because it's almost daylight! In astronomy this event is called "parade of planets" and it is nothing more than when a set of planets "line up in the same row" and they can all be seen on earth! we have to be careful because the planets have their own orbit and "theoretically we don't see them in a straight line"😲😲
Explicando porque sucede este evento astronomico podemos decir que la NASA nos explica que veremos 7 planetas alineados incluyendo "neptuno y urano" pero no podran ser visto a simple vista! es un evento que benificiara a las personas que viven en el hemisferio sur porque todos los planetas se elevan mas alto! aqui en el hemisferio norte cuando se unen todos es casi imposible fotografiarlos todos porque es casi de dia! en astronomia se denomina este evento "desfile de planetas" y no es mas que cuando un conjunto de planetas "se alinean en una misma fila" y pueden ser visto todos en la tierra! tenemos que tener cuidado porque los planetas tienen su propia orbita y "teoricamente no los vemos en linea recta"😬🧠🌍

I was able to photograph a comet and a galaxy not exactly in that position! what I did was overlay! as we saw "5 planets" then in astronomy this is classified as: "great parade" I hope you have enjoyed this experience that can only be seen again in 18 years😲😬👨💻
Pude fotografiar un cometa y una galaxia no exactamente en esa posicion! lo que hice fue superponer! como vimos "5 planetas" entonces en astronomia esto se clasifica como: "gran desfile" espero hayas disfrutado esta experiencia que solo podra ser vista nuevamente dentro de 18 anos!🌒📷👨💻

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Sources / Referencias bibliograficas:
Due to the scientific nature of the post, the characteristics and numerical data of the planets were extracted from (WIKIPEDIA), any direct quote was used: ""
Do you want to know more about these planets? visit here:
Having enjoyed some of the night sky over the years thanks for the reminder to take a look tonight. Not having the equipment to capture it is always lovely to star gaze, once or twice in a lifetime when the air is clear.
Southern Hemisphere sky is clear in winter months here is a link for those interested from Night Sky South Africa link is for 24th and 25th June.
@tipu curate 2
Thanks for the information friend, I use the Starry Night Celestron 8 is a Celestron program that you can buy and do many things! I'm going to give an eye view to yours to see! hugssss
Cellphone software to place which star you looking at is the most I have used. When young my Dad used to have us lie on a blanket explaining the stars, small telescope for slightly better projection.
Now use same old telescope or zoom in with camera, sometimes with success, other times not so much. Linking to the site I sent gives good indication of where and when, for direction and timing.
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 10/50) Liquid rewards.
Que agradable experiencia, que bueno que hayas podido ver este evento, de no ser así, debías esperar 18 años para verlos
muchas gracias por toda esta información y las imágenes
que pases un maravilloso fin de semanaHola querido amigo @oscurity buenas tardes
hola fue mucho trabajo pero valio la pena! y tu lo has dicho el proximo evento sera en el 2040! abrazos amigo!
You really done a lot of research concerning this planet and I appreciate the efforts you take In capturing them
Hello friend, thanks for reading and commenting on my post. I hope you have learned something new.
I really learnt a lot, thanks for sharing.
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Hey @oscurity, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the
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thank so muuuchhh!!
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