Ever Heard of Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)?

in StemSocial4 months ago

It was on the page of a popular blogger that I found that a popular, well-respected Christian preacher was rushed to the hospital after he experienced what seemed to be a sudden shock or attack that left his head dropped on his chest.


The blogger asked for the opinions of people on what they think may have happened to him, and the comment section was filled with so many opinions. However, about two to three people spoke about a condition that caught my attention, and I really wanted to know more about it, and of course, what is life without sharing what you have learned?

Some people in the comment section mentioned "Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA). For the major part of this post, I will be referring to TIA for easy understanding through this write-up.

TIA, in simple terms, is a short period of stroke resulting from a temporary stop in the supply of blood to the brain. While it is a brief section that typically lasts for about 5 minutes, it can also be a sign of a major stroke.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, one-third of individuals who ignore the occurrence of TIA and fail to receive treatment would get a major stroke within a year.

Associated symptoms are often sudden and may come in the form of slurred speech or the inability to understand others, blindness in one eye or both eyes, loss of balance, coordination, numbness, or paralysis on the face.


NHS.uk has a great way of analyzing the symptoms; with the simple word FAST, one can easily remember all the associated symptoms.

  • Face, meaning the face may have dropped on one side, making the person not to be able to smile, and having the eye or mouth drop.

  • Arm is the next thing; the affected person may lack the ability to lift both arms and have them remain raised due to the weakness or the numbness experienced in one arm.

  • Speech may also be garbled or slurred; in some cases, the individual may not even be able to talk at all even after having the appearance of being awake; it may also be difficult for them to understand what you are trying to say to them.

  • The final one is time, which means it's time to make a call to the emergency unit and get the patient there.

The majority of the risk factors of TIA and stroke cannot be controlled, but when you know about these risks, you will be motivated to work on taking better care of yourself.


If you have a family member with a previous case of TIA or stroke, then an increase in age comes with the possibility of having it; men are more likely to have it than women. So, sickle cell patients are at a higher risk, and after experiencing one or more TIA's, having a stroke is almost inevitable.

People with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, carotid artery disease, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, peripheral artery disease, high levels of homocysteine, COVID-19, and excessive weight are other risk factors that can trigger TIA or stroke. These ones can be controlled through intentional effort from an individual and cooperating with the medical team in charge.

As a person who is at risk of getting TIA, some lifestyle choices need to be made to help improve your quality of life. Stop smoking cigarettes, eat healthy, stay away from the use of illicit drugs, reduce alcohol consumption, and engage in physical activities.

There are two major differences between TIA and stroke. The first is that TIA would stop on its own while stroke would not, and treatment is required to stop and reverse it's effect. A stroke, on the other hand, would leave behind evidence on a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, the changes remaining on the scan even after symptoms have gone away.


Even if the church has not openly said the preacher was suffering from TIA as suggested by several people on social media, it is good to learn about an existing condition like this and understand what it entails. Until next time, friends, have a beautiful day.

For Further Studies









Hi, I am Tobi, a writer, speaker, relationship blogger, and lover of good music. I love making friends and learning from people. If you want to hear me speak about relationships and general life issues, you can find my YouTube channel where you can watch any episode for free, please do not forget to subscribe, friends. I sincerely appreciate every love I get from here, Kindly do well to keep them coming.