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RE: The Amazing Mound-Building Termite

in StemSocial10 months ago

The engineering of the mounds is incredible. I don't think I've ever seen this before.

Our termites are subterranean; we struggle a little every 5 or 6 months to keep them under control in our house, because it's an old house with trees in the back and front yards, and there's also wood in the interior structure of the house. It was a pain in the neck when we moved in and there had been no one to exterminate--or rather control them--for a year. At first, I thought, “these ants have really big heads,” hehe, but then I saw them up close and thought, “these aren't ants, are they?” I didn't know what they were at the time.

We could save a lot of energy and reduce pollution by learning from this kind of ingeneering. Amazing.

Hope you're enjoying your Sunday, dear @agmoore ☕️


Hello my friend @marlyncabrera,

When we bought our house last fall one of the stipulations in the sale was that the previous owners treat the place for termites. These insects are tireless in my area. It is something I know we will have to repeat every year.

They do look like ants, don't they?

these ants have really big heads


I actually saw a video where one of the soldier termites latched onto a woman's finger with its huge mandibles. The termite drew blood!!

Thank you for stopping by and for commenting. I am having a peaceful Sunday. I hope the same is true for you.


Imagine a horror B-movie about a vampire termite 😂

My Sunday is quiet and cool so far. Thank you 💓