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RE: There is NO Graphene Oxide in the COVID vaccines. Period.

in StemSocial3 years ago

Unfortunately, I also think all that misinformation out there is dangerous because so many people fall for it. They keep saying 'Do your own research' but every time you check their research, it's just a rehash of some debunked ridiculous ideas. Many times, a kid with an ounce of common sense could debunk them! Some are too ignorant to know better, but the worst part is that some spread this misinformation knowingly, just to get their minute of fame.


Bingo! I bet you half the big guys pushing the BS don't give a rats ass about the content or the people... the more conspiratorial and the more provocative the better and the more clicks and eye-balls it will get. They are playing into and dialling in the psychology and drive of the conspiracy programming.

Absolutely. Just look at this "Disinformation Dozen" and all their lies about the vaccines. Most of them were just some unknown fake doctors. And now, after more than a year spreading all this non-sense, they have big social media followings, they made big profits selling BS books and videos, etc... I struggle to understand how so many people can fall for this though.

disinformation dozen? So you point to some random crap you saw on MSNBC instead of arguing the facts that medicine is corrupt, we have no national healthcare system and yet they act like we do trying to inject us all with some MYSTERY injection with ingrediants and a MRNA gene therapy recipe we arent even allowed to see or know about because its private?

You are now property of big pharma LEGALLY speaking because you have their injection in YOUR body and its now re writing YOUR dna and now YOUR DNA BELONGS TO BIG PHARMA ... just like the corn farmer who fucking got his farm taken away for growing corn that was cross pollenated in from some OTHER farm

yeah thats you now buddy

enjoy the side effects of some mystery injection, because when you all start dying from the shot theyll blame everyone who didnt get the shot who are all still healthy , but it will be from the side effects

Ah ah, that's just great, and illustrating my point so perfectly. Being accused of getting my information from a TV channel by somebody who's clearly only parroting right wing propaganda debunked lies is just priceless. mRNA vaccine technology has been studied and worked on for about twenty years, and we know it cannot alter DNA. It would need to enter the cell nucleus, which it can't. But I know I would probably waste my time trying to have a serious discussion with somebody who apparently learned what mRNA was by seeing a meme on Facebook or Twitter.

Ok so no abortion rights for you and your leftist insane people who follow orders like nazi concentration camps

no personal freedom to not take some fucking big pharma injection with 0 consensus?

You get all your rights taken away then

You want to force us to take a death injection? Ok so its war then. We will start forcing you to get sterilized next and make it THE LAW

If you got "consensus" from everyone to commit suicide, you think thats rational self interest?

When Nazi germany had "consensus " to kill all the jews, was that ok because it was "consensus"?

Mmm... so, Texas...