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RE: Debunking the myths; Spreading the facts about Covid-19

in StemSocial5 years ago

Nice summary! I will come back with a few points:

Funny enough some people out of ignorance believed this rumours and were practicing some things like using salt to bath because they were told it cures and prevents the ebola virus😆. I practically laugh each time I remember some of my colleagues in same medical line who were learned enough to understand that such practice is not true, yet they did it

Ahaha really? A bath with salt??? And then directly in the oven I guess :D

Taking bath with hot water cures coronavirus

This one, I always wonder where it came from. Usually, behind each fake information, there is some mis-interpreted statement. But here?

Taking chloroquine prevents or cures coronavirus

This one actually triggered a new conspiracy theory drama… People cannot just say first that we don’t know and second that more studies are needed to be able to conclude. I am so shocked… pfff… especially knowing how dangerous chloroquine can be and why it is necessary to be closely monitored when this drug is used.

 5 years ago  

Ignorance is just but a cancerworm that can do a lot of damage if not handled.

Everybody wants to get cure neglecting the fact that their life could be More in danger.

 5 years ago  

A little bit of thinking is only what we ask ;)