Thanks a lot for your nice words, and I am happy to see that you managed to get the concepts. This is by far not easy to make understandable, but I have a lot of fun in doing so.
The two quotes that are mentioned are among the most important concepts shared in this blog. This is at the core of how any fundamental force is modeled in particle physics.
Of course I don't understand everything here--how could I?
I would be happy to provide more inputs where needed.
Thank you! What I have done is review some of your previous posts (especially the one on "mirrors") so that I can put my new information in context. Slowly I'm developing my own "unified" system of understanding :) If I could think of a specific question, I would ask it. Thank you for the offer.
Ah yeah I remember those. This was some time ago :)
The pleasure is for me. I am here for this ;)