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RE: Neutrino masses at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider - from theory to data

in StemSocial3 years ago

[ ... ] You must rest :)

Let's say that I rest efficiently. There are too many on-going issues (end of the year, etc.) so that I in fact must compensate the time I spend in resting (I have never taken a single day of sick leave since I have been hired in 2008).

How gratifying it must be that the community of particle physicists has taken your idea (and that of your collaborators) and found it viable.

That's definitely the best of the best. I was really happy to see this from the CMS collaboration, and I actually did not expect it at all. At that moment, I only knew that the ATLAS collaboration may do something soon. Now they will be second ;)

You will forever be a link in the chain of discovery that explains contradictions in the Standard Model and moves on to creating a new 'Standard'. Will this not be the case? When does science move beyond the Standard Model? Or is this a kind of scientific heresy?

Well, for this we need first to discover something. At the moment, there is no signal, so that we can only put constraints on the parameters of the neutrino mass model. However this is how new knowledge is built. We explore all possibilities and see what survives data (and discoveries). Only after this we will be able to construct the next Standard Model. I just hope that I will see it during my lifetime.

I personally think you are a frustrated writer. Your style is quite light and engaging, especially considering the weightiness (yes, neutrinos have mass: my joke) of your topic.

That's interesting. This is true I really pay a lot of attention to the message I try to convey with my words, but I also like writing per se. I however don't see myself writing about anything else except (heavy, to continue your joke) science.

This being said, I believe that I should soon write a light post, as I reached a few milestones on chain recently (followers, HP). I however think that I will wait for reaching 20,000 comments. Then I may write such a light blog, which may happen right before I will leave for Canada ^^

Have a nice end of the week. Week-end starts soon (with 42 degrees Celsius planned here!).


I have never taken a single day of sick leave since I have been hired in 2008


BTW: My daughter just came down with COVID. 😟

 3 years ago  

Oh no! I wish her a quick recovery, and of course no impact on her health on mid term / long term! Good luck!
