In one of the pictures you shared with us, I notice that we can see city lights through the window. Aren’t those lights a problem? How do you manage to overcome them? One of my friends who is passionate about astrophotography is always complaining about this kind of light (and he is super happy to live in the countryside where there is not such a problem).
As a side note, “Bootes” is actually “Bouvier” in French. I had to look for this word as I was unable to understand which constellation you were referring too. This is were my English is a bit too limited ;)
Actually if it limits a lot I would say 70% for example these images that I always upload to take them I must use filters, and then computer filters! there is a lot of editing more than everything with the stars of greater magnitude! but with big stars there is no problem! without a doubt it is a super problem but also living in the city it is not convenient to always go to the countryside because of the price of diesel! the farthest from here is 30km! do what you can xD
I do wonder if there is a nice measure to determine the smallest luminosity you can observe given X background light.