It has been a long time I didn’t post on chain. Actually, it has been a long time since I didn’t get any interaction on any social media at all (with a few exceptions on the Twitter-sphere because this one is installed on my phone). However, every single excited state must undergo a transition back to its fundamental counterpart after some moment.
Whereas I could simply say in clearer words that vacation time is over, that would be a lie. My holiday break is over since August 20th. During the last 15 days, I was back to work with a lot of things to do… Science and teaching duties indeed never sleep for very long. Because of this situation, I was without enough free time to reconnect with my online life before today.
Instead of resuming my usual posting habits with blogs about particle physics and/or cosmology, I decided to give some news about my summer. For the rest, I am therefore afraid that waiting for the week after HiveFest may be in order… I nevertheless provide some information about the topics of my next few blogs in the second part of this post, for the curious ones.
In the meantime, here is a picture of where I spent most of my vacation. Can you guess where it was? As a hint, I will say that the lake that can be seen below is where the garden ends. More seriously, the answer is provided below.

[Credits: @lamouthe (August 2022)]
So, I disconnected from this realm on July 24th in a state of complete exhaustion (last academic year was a real disaster), and I almost directly flew to North America. I spent three weeks there with the family. We stayed in the Laurentides, a bit north of Montreal in Canada, and organised a road-trip to Maine with some camping (@riverflows: we upgraded our tent to a four-person one; as I don’t have any picture of it without the kids, I however must skip this).
This consisted of three weeks of calm(ish) and relaxing time with very little computer interactions. We enjoyed moments with my in-laws, and we got a lot of outdoors activities: canoeing, kayaking, hiking, etc. In addition, we organised several visits to bigger cities, Portland and Montreal, as well as one to New York City as we had a 10 hours of layover there on the way back to Europe. In other words, we had a three-weeks trip with a variety of activities of all kinds.
I must also emphasise that the weather was very pleasant. After temperatures skyrocketed in Paris right before leaving (40/45 Celsius in the office for instance), having three weeks in a row below 30 Celsius was definitely excellent!
th! However, who knows? Maybe I will change my mind (for instance in the train to Amsterdam, on my way to HiveFest)For those who would like to see more pictures and to hear more stories about my trip, I must confess that there are very few chances that my @lesmouths-travel blog gets resurrected (sorry @documentinghive, and probably sorry @pinmapple too). I am already seeking more free time, and we are only on Sep 6
In the meantime, please find below two pictures of skyscrapers, one in Montreal and another in New York City :-)

[Credits: @lemouth (August 2022)]

[Credits: @lemouth (August 2022)]
The break was a very good means to get back on track, although I can still feel that I get exhausted much quicker than I should. Is the damned COVID still there? I must confess that I am still a bit scared about that…
Anyway, I was welcomed by a stack of 250+ e-mails waiting for some answers (this number has been obtained after filtering all spam out), several on-going research projects waiting for completion (one got finally released on the web), and a bunch of grant applications are in the pipeline, some with very close deadlines. This is the reason why I didn’t manage to reconnect to Hive before today.
However, now I can finally breathe! It is thus time to chat about STEMsocial, my science blogs on our chain, our Hive particle physics citizen science project and what could be expected for September! Of course, this includes HiveFest at which I will give a STEMSocial talk!
Curation activities on STEMsocial continued during the entire summer, thanks to our team that never sleeps (even when I do, they are super active), and our Discord server kept its usual level of activities (which is not much… but still). Therefore, kudos to @carloserp-2000, @eniolw, @gentleshaid, @iamphysical and @mobbs for this!
Yesterday, I managed to re-run the script dealing with sharing the curation rewards with our delegators, and I caught up what happened during the last 6 weeks. If you are one of our delegators, you can double check your wallet. We paid back everything that was due… Such a script is run manually, and it was thus in pause while I was away.
In addition, I had to upgrade our Discord bot (that we use for curation), as it got broken due to a Discord update that happened yesterday. In addition, the bot will have to migrate soon to another host, as our current host is terminating its service in a few days from now.
Finally, we are still struggling to find some help to develop our app. We have plenty of ideas in our heads, but we miss motivated hands (and time time and time). Please reach us out if you are interested in contributing to create a Web3 environment where STEM enthusiasts could communicate without the need for a third-party. I will definitely discuss all of this (and more) at HiveFest!

[Credits: CERN]
For what concerns my personal blog, I will resume it soon, as promised earlier in this post. I published a couple of scientific articles right before the vacation time, and another one last week. In other words, this leads to three perfect topics for my next posts.
Two of these articles address how we could improve the re-interpretation of the results of the Large Hadron Collider (the LHC) at CERN in the context of models of physics not considered so far. The first article discusses how several sub-analyses of a given LHC analysis could be combined for a better quantitative extraction of the sensitivity of the LHC on a model, and the second one presents a technique allowing for the determination of the most optimal way to combine analyses not necessarily independent (in such a process, we must be careful with error correlations). Funnily enough, it is associated with a new software that we coined TACO.
The last article discusses calculations made for the first time and that concern the production of hypothetical particles called leptoquarks. Leptoquarks are very exciting beasts for a few dozen months, as several anomalies in data could be explained by their effects.
Finally, I am super motivated to resume our citizen science project on Hive. I recall that within this project, some Hive community members managed to handle calculations never done so far in the entire field of high-energy physics. I will start writing some material for a new episode a bit later this week. Therefore, @agreste, @eniolw, @gentleshaid and @travelingmercies: be ready!
Obviously, anyone who is interested in joining us could still join us. It should not take too long to get up-to-date. There are currently five episodes available, and it suffices to browse the tag #citizienscience to get all information.
Voila! I stop writing here for today. Let’s restart slowly. In the meantime, please stay tuned for my next blog for something with much more science! It will be about citizen science, as promised!
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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @lemouth, @gentleshaid, @solips, @esther-emmanuel ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
I find vacations very tiring! I wish you a good rest!
I rested a bit, and actually got tired too. So you are correct, vacation is usually tiring. However, it is a different way to get tired compared with the usual everyday life, and my body was quite happy with it.
It's great to have you back sir ☺️
Indeed we have missed you.
I am very sure you are reinvigorated with more energy.
Welcome back sir.
Thanks for passing by and your nice words. I am definitely fully reloaded, and back with my usual active on-chain interactions. ^^
Did you have some break during the summer?
Not at all. Recently got a fully funded schorlaship at MIPT for my masters. Been busy with documentation and preparation for travel.
I would say, it's really been a hectic period for me. Though I still try not to loose touch here, so I still drop articles periodically.
Wow! Although this is by far not relaxing, I must say that it is at least a very good news, isn't it? As we say, you'll rest later! Good luck in any case! ;)
Yes for sure it is. Nothing good ever comes without a price.
Thank you Sir 😊
You're welcome!
Welcome back, Prof. We really missed you. On the bright side, seems you had fun while on break. Those skyscrapers are damn breathtaking. I could stare at the first one all day!
Speaking of a citizen science project, it seems I have a pending task. Lemme dust up my virtual box and see if I can complete it and be ready for the next phase.
Thanks for your message. I indeed had a lot of fun during the break, just trying to disconnect from anything else (and it kinda worked ;) ).
I would be lovely to see your report! If you submit it by Thursday, yo should be fine relative to the next episode ^^
Great to meet you at HiveFest.
I had no idea you were a real particle physicist when we were chatting in the bar.
The books I mentioned (Genesis and the Big Bang and others) are by Gerald Schroeder. You can find details here:
Yes, I am (I thought I didn't hide it :) ).
Thanks for the link. It is really interesting. There are several good (and very important) points in this text, also on the non-religious part and relative of the configuration of the state of Israel during the last 75 years.
At the end, when we go back to the core topic, it is a matter of balancing God and luck. Whatever we chose, there is (for now at least) no way to proof it correct or wrong.
As a side note, there are several scientific details that are debatable and which I would debate, in fact. The notion of beginning itself is unclear, as time was undefined at this beginning. Moreover, if we take the big bang theory as such, we have issues at the very first moments as we should make the theory also quantum, which it is not. Therefore, rigorously, I am a bit uncomfortable with the fact that one says that there is a scientific proof of a beginning (as we don't know how to describe this beginning and the very first moment after it).
Cheers, and see you tonight! I would be very happy to continue this discussion live (I am sure the chain would appreciate it too, but anything that could go live, should go live, in my opinion).
Hah. Come on I did nothing. I've been on my own... hiatus. I'm like a conscription soldier, ready to go when needed, but otherwise, life has gotten in the way of the internet for the most part. I probably spend about 80% less time online than I ever have, pretty much. Can't handle all these names of things I never use; tiktok, reddit, twitter, snapchat, twitch, yadda yadda. Overwhelming and kinda gross XD
I will say though, I'm immensely impressed about the others holding the fort and I think they should be exceptionally proud of themselves for doing so.
Meanwhile I'm doing my best at the moment to get back into Hive Culture, as it feels less toxic and grimy than the other mainstream platforms, even though engagement/retention is super low.
Regarding the rest of the post, I do hope citizen science will return. over my head but nonetheless a very inspiring enterprise that brings something to Hive maybe almost nowhere else gets to enjoy
Don't worry. I imagined that, but I think it is fair to always include you. You held our fort for so long (even when I was lost in the 5th dimension during 18 months).
For these social media, I am like you. There are so many of them for which I don't know a thing, except for their name... On the funnier side, when I mentioned Facebook to one of my student two years ago, they started to consider me as a dinosaur, to write it in a polite way...
Engagement is low, but I find the whole platform funnier and funnier with time. Some thresholds have definitely been crossed relative to Steem days.
Me too. Note that I will try to resume collaboration with China this year (my former collaborator, who was of our age, passed away during the pandemic), so that there is a possibility that we will meet again. I will keep you up-to-date, obviously. are highly welcome back Sir. I am glad you enjoyed your vacation.
It's always cool to have some moments of rest after a while to renew the energy for the next load of works. I am eagerly waiting to learn from your next publications. Once more, you are welcome Sir.
Thanks for this welcome message! I agree, a relaxing break is always good to resume our usual duties with a fresh mind. I am feeling more efficient than before the break, although I got tired still a bit fast relative to my expectation.
That's awesome. I am glad to hear that Sir.
Really interesting stuff happening. I'm glad you got a much needed break. I'm steady wondering as I read this post how you deal with all this pressure.
I'm currently trying to gather knowledge about python programming with condenser. I've gotten a course on it and some videos...
I feel getting involved will yield a lot for me...programming these days is an essential that I know close to nothing about.
Managing pressure and stress is part of my everyday life for many years. With experience, it became natural to me. I can cope with a lot, but sometimes, as we say in French, 'the glass can be full' (this probably does not mean much in English, but I guess the context can easily be grasped ;) ).
If you want to try out a specific Python applications please consider checking out our citizen science project (it only uses software whose interpreter operates in Python).
I hope I can develop this ability too
Yeah, I totally understand...
I will check out the program and read the post there. Hope your day has been very productive. I have so many illustrations I keep pushing back...I'll try to work on 2 posts this night and take down one of those illustrations so I can have time for the citizen science project.
My day was quite productive yesterday. I worked on a code to be shared with my student, started drafting an article related to a project that ended up before the summer and finalised another that should be released today. :)
Good luck! I am looking forward to read your reports for the citizen science project! If there in due time, I will advertise them during HiveFest (together with the reports fof the other participants).
Nice job sir.
That will be awesome...I didn't hit my I have more to do today but ill start with the project then others.
Have a nice day!!
You too!
😊😎🤙 back to work! :P that was a beautiful place where u were chillin. and i like that NY skyscraper.. very sexy!
Thanks! We definitely enjoyed the three cities we visited, although it is impossible for us to stay too far from more remote places in the country side for a long time. For instance, although I work in Paris, I live 80km from there (therefore in the French country side).
😎Nice. I also enjoy living near the city, but a little rural.. although on an island as small as maui, that only translates to 10 miles away. :P
Wow that's the other side of the world relative to where I stay.
I have been to Hawaii more than 15 years ago (when I was still a PhD student). I have been impressed by all the volcanic activities around the islands, which I still remember today, as well as wonderful sunsets.
cool! let's trade living places for like 1 month. 😁🤙
Ahaha. It may be hard at the moment, as I have too much on my plate locally. I however keep the invitation in a corner of my mind ;)
This is not slow. What a wonderful update. You were close to my neighborhood (50 miles, maybe). It sounds like a wonderful trip. I am so sorry your energy level is still not 100%. However, I think you pack more into a day than most people would attempt.
Delightful to have you back. Enjoy Hive fest!
Thanks for passing by. How was your summer?
I assume you refer to New York City. As we were there without car for for only half a day, it would have been complicated to visit anything outside the city. Maybe we will be able to meet in the occasion of a next trip (I have no idea when; flight prices are currently skyrocketing, and we have four of them to buy).
I am still on the slow side compared with what I was able to achieve back in the days, but I guess this will be the price I will have to pay for some time. I am fine to live and deal with it (better behaving in this way than being frustrated forever).
I wish you a wonderful week!
I am so very sorry about your slow recovery. We know so little about this virus, and it is taking a toll on so many people. Please listen to your body.
As for meeting me: I am a very boring person 😇. So ordinary. Don't go out much. You would be so disappointed 😆. It makes me happy to think of you traveling with your family. These trips help to form memories that will last a lifetime.
It's nice to have you back. Hive is not the same without you :) Wishing you all the energy you need to meet your very considerable personal ambitions.
Warm regards...
Thanks again for these nice words. I really appreciated them. Note that there is no such a thing as a boring person. I truly believe everyone has a story or something to tell. The rest is just a matter of listening.
Definitely. The kids now remember a lot, as they are old enough ^^
Welcome back!
Sure. I confess I still have to do the pending calculation though!
If you want to release your results before the next episode, you still have a couple of days. Note that I will also advertise all of the work done by the participants at HiveFest.
Welcome back! I'm glad you were able to take a break. Over here, ready for the next episode of citizen science. Cheers!
Thanks to see you here! The next episode is now ready and should be posted within the next 20-25 minutes. I am just proofreading the text, seeking the last typos. I am looking forward to see you there :D
Hello my dear friend @lemouth, your vacation was very dynamic and I note that you visited places where you were in contact with nature, surely it made you think about how beautiful life is and the spaces that surround us, it is worth the efforts we make to be able to share with our families.
I will be on the lookout for your next publications, I am very glad that you are back to this virtual space to continue sharing experiences, I hope you are doing very well at HiveFest.
So long, have a great week.
Thanks for passing by (once again, but this time not in advance), and for your very nice message. My vacation was indeed full of (mostly outdoors) activities, which is how I consider a good vacation time (I don't like lying around and doing nothing).
I should be able to resume blogging by the end of the week, with the next episode of the citizen science project, as mentioned in the blog. We will see whether I can cope with it ^^
A break away from the internet is always refreshing. Glad to see you visited Canada, 😊 we had a above average warm summer but not as hot as Europe.
Thanks for passing by, and I agree with you. An offline break is always a good way to reload ourselves!
I actually often go to Canada during the summer (my wife is from there). I noticed you are from Prince Edward Island. That's a place I have never been (I visited Gaspesie a few years ago, that is not very far; although I don't know how easy it is to cross the sea from there).
I’ll give you a layout of how to come to the Island from the Gaspe.
The Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec is no too far from New Brunswick. You can drive ( about 7 hrs) or take a ferry to New Brunswick.

There is a bridge from New Brunswick that will take you to Prince Edward Island. It is about 13kms. And you can also come over to the Island by ferry from Caribou, Nova Scotia. It’s takes about 75 min crossing the Northumberland Strait. It’s a great crossing and you experience the wide open ocean.
Some information on the Confederation Bridge linking New Brunswick with PEI.
There is talk of changing the bridge name to "Epekwitk Crossing", whereas Epekwitk (/ˈɛbəɡwɪd/ EH-buh-gwihd) is the traditional Mi'kmaq name for Prince Edward Island.
I was actually thinking about ferry options, but I didn't know that there was a way to come by car. It is well noted. I just cannot tell when will be my next visit to Quebec in general (flights are super expensive those days), and to Gaspesie in particular (although I want to bring the kids there; it is a beautiful region). It this gets realised, I will definitely let you know!
Doesn’t seem to be a good time to travel. Everything has been going up in price and there has been delays on flights. Hopefully this will all level out in future.
I hope you and your family come to PEI one day. Be sure to let me know.
Have a wonderful day. 😊
Yes, we probably need to wait for a couple of years to see the situation and the world get calmer... I will definitely let you know at the time of my next visit.
Have a nice week-end!
Indeed, you have had both a relaxing and a busy summer. I hope you find the strength and time you need.
Welcome back.
I will do my best for that.
You are welcome.
Glad you had a wonderful time with your family and away from work responsibilities for a good three weeks.
And wow, there are a lot of things to look forward to on your next activities here on chain. I saw a post about HiveFest a long time ago, and I'm surprised that it's about to happen next week! I wanted to go but I was very limited with time and funds haha. But, would you know if it'll be an online broadcast of it? Again, welcome back! 💥
Thanks for passing by and this nice message.
I was actually really a bit ashamed not to have checked out your latest report for the citizen science project before I left. However, time was so short... I left Europe right on the next day after having stopped working, which led to very few time to prepare my trip. Consequently, my online presence went to zero almost immediately. I hope you understand (apologies in any case!).
In my case it was an easy decision to take, as I live very close to Amsterdam (a few hours by train). I had somehow no excuse to go ^^
In addition, I have no idea for what concerns HiveFest online broadcasting. This may have to be checked directly with the organisers.
No worries about it. :) If I remember I was able to write the remaining part close to your scheduled trip. Ahh, the beauty of European railway! (coming from someone who dreams to travel within Europe by train haha 🙋🏻♀️) Those few hours of travel time are perfect for reading and enjoying the view outside ;)
Traveling by train has a lot of advantages. I find it more relaxing than by plane (and it is of course more eco-friendly).
Wow, you really had a great time with your family!! Between, do you live in Europe? I have always thought about you staying in North America. Smile
Yes, I live close to Paris, in France. Therefore, North America is not really next door ^^
Hello dear @lemouth.
I almost missed this wonderful writing, from what I read you have been able to enjoy with your family, and that fills us with energy, besides, it balances us among so many daily activities.
You are really necessary in the hive, you are one of its main engines, with your excellent contributions you motivate us to continue being active, and giving the best of us.
I hope you definitely get better health wise, so you can continue enjoying your family, and of course, hive. Regards
Wow. Thanks a lot for this nice message. It is really appreciated and I am feeling honoured that you think that way about my role here.
Have a great week! Cheers!
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