It's amazing to see that most people lose the entire point of fast from the very start of that fast. I mean, I have seen people who are already anticipating the time to break their fast even from the onset. Then why did you even start in the first place? It's quite funny.
I also love the fact that you pointed out that it's not only food that can distract a person from real fellowship with his/her creator. As a matter of fact, food is the least problem of some people. To some, the kind of fast required of them is a day or two off their smart phones and social media.
Personally, I have discovered that when embarking on long days of fast without food, especially longer than 3 days, fresh fruits are the best source of vitamins and minerals even fluids when breaking the fast. I have listened and seen people who have gone for 2 weeks without food, just fruits and water. Speaking for myself, I have been able to go for 3 days just on fruits and water. The drive home point is to know your limits and have a personal conviction for that very fast. Thanks for this boss @jaydr
I appreciate your comment.
I ll like to add still that fasting when it comes to the things of the Spirit should also include fastening to something as against only abstinence.
Drop something less and hold on to something greater.