Our ancestors were not so carnivorous.
2001 A Space Odyssey is a work by Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubricke, the two of them wrote the script together, but they made a mistake, a latest investigation has discovered that they made a mistake, well it is a metaphor, obviously the film did not happen that way, but In it a glass monolith appears, Africa appears from 3 million years ago and in that metaphor of the film that monolith brought to earth by aliens, a much more advanced extraterrestrial civilization,
somehow induces in the minds of a group of human ancestors who at that time would correspond to the Australopithecus.
And they confirmed that in reality what they ate was primarily a plant-based diet with minimal or no evidence of meat consumption. According to Alfredo Martínez García of the Max Planck Institute of Chemistry, he said that this method opens up exciting possibilities for understanding human evolution and has the potential to answer crucial questions, such as when our ancestors began to hunt and incorporate meat into their diet and also whether the beginning of meat consumption was related to an increase in brain volume.
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