Discover a different star.

in StemSocialyesterday

Discover a different star.

Imagine a star so colossal that you can see the movement of the bubbling gas on its surface, that is what astronomers have captured, Giant and fiery gas bubbles up to 75 times the size of the sun that appear on the surface of this star and They sink back inside, the most curious thing is that it does so very quickly, much faster than had been calculated.

The bubbles appear to move in a one-month cycle. The images were obtained between July and August 2023 with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, the ALMA, a telescope co-owned by the Southern European Observatory located in northern Chile, the study was published in the scientific journal nature, according to the main author of the research, Wouter Vlemmings, professor at the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. “It is the first time that the bubbling surface of a real star can be shown in this way, we never expected it to be "The data were of such high quality that we could see so many details of the convection on the stellar surface."


Regarding why the bubbles move faster than expected, the professor said that “we still don't know what the reason for the difference is, it seems that convection changes as a star ages in ways that we still don't understand.”

Behzad Bojnodi Arbab PhD student at Chalmers also participated in this study and stated that it is “spectacular that we can now directly image the surface details of such distant stars and observe physics that until now was only observable in our sun.”

Stars shine thanks to the energy produced in their cores through nuclear fusion, this involves the union and fusion of hydrogen atoms to create helium, this occurs in the normal phase of stars but over time stars age, stars like the sun, they end up entering a lid that transforms them into red giants, this is because by fusing and fusing hydrogen inside themselves to create helium, the stars end up having a core saturated with helium that is inert, while the hydrogen begins to fuse into the shell around that core which is filled and brimming with helium.

The first effect of this is that the star swells and increases its volume exaggeratedly, and the second effect is that the temperature of the surface of the star drops and that is why they look reddish in this way. In this red giant phase, the Energy moves to the surface through enormous bubbles of hot gas. When they reach the outside, these bubbles cool and the gas falls inward in a process similar to that of a lava lamp.

All this has a very important part for life in the universe Because in this movement the heavy elements that are formed in the core of stars, such as carbon, oxygen or nitrogen, can reach the surface of the star and can even leave it thanks to the stellar winds to be able to expand through the cosmos and in this way the necessary elements exist for new stars and new planets to form.

And if in the end all the pieces come together in the right way, those elements that have emerged within the star can end up creating new living beings.

Study Source

The images without reference were created with AI
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