A Good sleep is more beneficial to our emotional health.

in StemSocial3 years ago



Brief introduction.

Often times we have attributed the benefits of sleep generally to medical health's alone.
Yeah for sure the benefits of sleep directly or indirectly enhance our health, ranging from our mental, emotions to our general physiology.
This is why it's necessary for everyone to have at least 5 hours of sleep in every 24hrs to maintain a healthy balance in our overall body.


This is the purest form of rest, a state of rest where the body is in an unconscious state.
This makes all the voluntary muscles to be in a state of rest.
This spans to the ability to pulse voluntary and some involuntary actions of the mind, thereby enabling a serenity within the internal body

How do lack of sleep affect our emotional health ?

Moody all day
Mood swings
Retarded sense of judgement
Emotional Stress


One of the commonly associated signs from lack of sleep is "feeling moody all day", this is caused from the weakness of the body and the feeling of tiredness, this in essence affect the facial expressions of some people, especially when joined with the days activities, you see the people go throughout the day feeling moody and tired.
Mood swings on the other hand is the situation where you have mixed up feelings, your emotions is unrest maybe because of stress or uneasiness of the brain cells, you notice your self being provoked by little and unnecessary things too, on a small glimpse of relief, you see your mood light up again.
That's, you're continually switching from happiness to anger and vice versa
Retarded sense of reasoning/judgement, this often happens when one is stressed out, so this too occur if one deprive itself of good sleep for a long time.
Wether during this period you're less busy or not, as far as you have not got enough sleep, the voluntary muscles and actions had not rested to generate some free radicals while asleep, the person will feel very dizzy and this affects the mental state of reasoning and judgement, you will notice some kind of impulsive actions and behaviors

Emotional stress often evolve from the uneasiness of the mind and brain.
When the mental health is continually deprived of sleep, the brain cells over work themselves, this thereby results in the feelings of confusion, you become literally confused and as well tired of everything around you.
This sometimes results to some medical conditions like headache of increased body temperature (fever).

So you need a good sleep to directly or indirectly enhance your mental and emotional state

Sleep enhance the mood, and reduces emotional stress by easing and energizing the brain cells

It helps also to checkmate, balance and a weight control.
Reason being that, when you sleep up to 8 to 9 hours of each day, this period you won't eat anything and the body is likely to well utilize the already eaten foods this period.
Another one is that, you're likely to feel less hungry after sleeping than when awake or working, this therefore enables one to eat less and weight is indirectly checkmated or controlled.
(Remember that most people usually feel uncomfortable with their weight, especially in the case of over weight).

It boost productivity, yeah, most witnessed. You will see that having enough sleep at night or maybe getting a "nap" during the day enhance productivity and usefulness of time.
Ranging from the students, labourers, forex and crypto traders, office workers etc, can't underrate the usefulness of quality sleep in their account of productive times.

It Reduces the use of caffeine to keep your mind sane and strong.
Sleep helps to relieve yourself from dizziness and save yourself the stress of looking for substances like caffeine or chocolate to sustain the mental strength and sanity during the days activities

In conclusion

Sleep helps to sustain balance ranging from emotional health, mental and medical health.
So don't underestimate the power of quality rest and sleep, it heals more than a medicine.
Good sleep is the purest form of rest, it takes you away from your bad moments, worries and whatever you're feeling at the moment.
So learn how to wrap your self with that peaceful moments of rest, and generate for your self some free radicals while asleep.

  My regards, thanks for coming around...
        Original content....

I know that I am often in my best mood and I get enough done if I get a good night rest.

But if I struggled with insomnia all night, my entire day will feel stupid..

These days, knowing how my body works, I try to please her by giving her enough sleep.

Hey, @henryce , it's been a while, I hope you are okay?