What about Cold in Pets

in StemSocial3 days ago

In Nigeria, it's that time of the year when the weather is cold, it is raining consistently, so many people have cold these periods, but while we are trying to protect the family from cold, we may forget that our pets also need to be protected from this trendy period of cold.

Your dog can get sick with a runny nose and a cough, and it is generally considered a dog cold, as it is not the same type of cold that humans get. The similarity however is that, just like we have in humans, upper respiratory issues in dogs are also not caused by a particular bug but by different bacteria and viruses, sometimes working together in a combined manner.


Dogs can develop flu-like symptoms or colds from bacteria and viruses like canine adenovirus, canine parainfluenza virus, or Bordetella bronchiseptica. Dogs can pick up illnesses after they have stayed in kennels, attended indoor training classes, or other events that placed them in close contact with other infected pets.

Infections can spread very fast through airborne particles. Humans can also give infections to pets especially when an infected pet has earlier been stroked or handled.


Some of the organisms that cause these diseases can remain on clothes and footwear for hours, therefore making it more convenient to pass it to your own previously uninfected pet. But, if you have a cold you can't pass it to your pet because as stated earlier, the viruses that cause cold in humans are specific to humans and they cannot affect animals.

If your pet has a cold, experienced symptoms would be similar to that of humans, runny nose, sneezing, cough, fever, reduced appetite, and even tiredness. These symptoms, however, do not make it a guaranteed fact that cold is the issue here, having your pet checked by a certified veterinarian is a better option.

There are things you can do at home to also help your pet feel better, and the first thing is to provide warmth, this will help them recover on time. The provision of extra bedding would make them feel more comfortable. It is also important that you give your pet ample time to rest, possibly away from humans and other pets, this will aid recovery. Provide clean and fresh water all the time to your pet, make sure it's warm too and not excessively cold.

The good thing is, that many upper respiratory infections in dogs are self-limiting, which means they can practically heal on their own without the use of medications. But this is not to say you should watch your dog being sick without taking him to a vet.


With the fur on your pet, they are usually able to tolerate cold temperatures but this is only to an extent, keep them away from snow, rain, and the wind. Blankets are a good way to protect those animals who are always outdoors.

During cold weather, it is a responsible act of pet parenting to keep your pets indoors as they are more susceptible to hypothermia and frostbite than humans. Provide them with warmth and shelter sufficient enough to hold the body in heat.

If your pet is outdoors, you need to consistently check the water to ensure it's not frozen as frozen water is bad for pets. Dogs require more food during cold weather, this will help replace lost energy or calories from playing. The provision of warm shelter is adequately necessary also.









Cold in pets can really affect pet most of the time that it becomes even difficult for them to even recover from it at times actually

Once it rains I always try my best to ensure my puppies are not outside but once I find out that they have any symptoms, I immediately contact the vet. Puppies are precious and they should be cared for at all times including something like cold.

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