Glaucoma is not a geriatric condition, it is not a condition that affects the elderly
This then is where probably genomics could offer a good insight. Probably there is an inherent gene that are overtly expressed and contributing to the disease formation, if i remember correctly, build up of intraocular pressure. It will just be a matter of time if we are able to isolate and characterize the gene. We then maybe closer to finding a life time cure.
I learnt that family history has a strong link with glaucoma, so molecular approach and study will offer good prognostication
Yes what you said is right, there’s a very strong correlation with glaucoma and genetic factors and currently a lot of research is focusing on it, one of my supervisors from my university is even working on a similar project looking at the genetic factors and I’m certain that in the near future we may identify whichever allele may be involved with this apoptosis of optic nerve cells peculiar to Glaucomatous damage