in StemSocial3 years ago (edited)


There have been several complaints in Nigeria regarding declining trends and modernization of our essential cultural values and customs.With the evolution of time one would likely ask if cultural practices and values are meant to be static or dynamic?

Prior to the creation of nigeria by the British colonist,Nigeria consisted of diverse ethnicity groups,each having their own culture,values,religion,political and economic activity.The British forced their morals, cultural, educational, artistic,linguistic, and religious values on us,the inhabitants.Nigerian cultural and societal norms were portrayed as outdated and obsolete,requiring replacement with European civilization.As a result,the people abandoned traditional culture in favor of Western civilization.

Many Nigerians are in disagreement about what constitutes their true cultural identity,this is because many of them were indoctrinated to believe that their culture was inferior to that of the Europeans,they gave up their traditions for a culture that is based on European culture,and as a result,the Nigerian is neither entirely indigenous nor entirely alien. He has two personalities.

African cultures are being uprooted through new medias — the internet, email, Facebook, Twitter, cable and satellite televisions.
A groups culture is what distinguishes one group of people from another. It's what sets one group of individuals apart from another groups.Now,because no two groups of people are identical,Similarly, no two cultures are alike.

Traditional African cultures, for example, prioritize communalism, human dignity, elder respect, hospitality, and brotherly love while the western culture Considers the individual to be a self-contained, self-existent being who lived for himself.

Many Nigerians who claim to be Christians use certain traditional forms of worship as well. While some of them may attend morning Church services, they will go to native doctors at night or send their relatives to do so.African Traditional Religions are seen as "black magic" in terms of interfaith interactions while European Christianity is referred to as the "global religion."

African despises his culture and pretends to be ignorant of it, or he is ashamed of his heritage.
He starts to publicly identify with everything that is strange to him. He wears foreign clothing, has a foreign name, and wears a foreign watch foreign films and movies, as well as communicating in a foreign language.He is now an individual with multiple personalities.


I really find your topic very interesting. It is called transculturation. It has become fashionable in countries that were conquered, imposing cultures, all favored by the weakness in the patriotic feeling of the citizen and the attractiveness of technology.

Yeah,Thank you very much.
I will like to add here that Transculturation per se,is not bad since it has lead to increase in human knowledge, advances in science and technology, human development, and peaceful relationships amongst people of many races and nations. What is considered objectionable or reprehensible in transculturation,however,is what many people see as the cultural domination of the world by the countries of Western Europe and the United States of America,which is the belief that Western culture is fundamentally superior to every other culture, and therefore, should be universally adopted.

Very much agree with you, my friend. Love of country plays a very important role there too. There are many factors that are immersed and that, as a whole, complement each other. The important thing is to know how to strike the right balance, which is a bit difficult with this globalization.

Yeah dear....still bothers me if globalization has done more harm or good?

In that case, I believe that we must think of a strategy that raises awareness in the citizens, so that they learn to love what is their own and to put it above what is foreign, just as Europeans do, and as it should be.
Like everything else, globalization brings good and bad things, which depends on the approach and the application given to it.

Yeah,that's very correct