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RE: STEMsocial Distilled - 2021 Series #3

in StemSocial3 years ago

Distilled is back! I am honored to be included with these stellar science bloggers. Thank you @lemouth for putting in the work that publication of this compilation magazine requires. And thank you for alerting me to outstanding articles I missed. I will be paying closer attention :)

2022 is going to be quite different from (to quote Queen Elizabeth) 2021, our global annus horribilis. I look forward especially to your weekly (maybe?) blog from the world of physics.

 3 years ago  

You are very welcome. It was also quite fun to put all of this together :)

PS: I am not so sure about the 2021 vs. 2022 differences in terms of being horrible years. We will see very soon!

I am accused by my family of being optimistic. Why not? If I am wrong, at least I was happy for a while expecting a good outcome :))

 3 years ago  

Optimism is definitely a good thing in those dark times ;)